
unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?

资源类型:教学设计  |  作者: 王晓荣  |   发布者:王晓荣 | 时间:2020-04-07 18:06:17 | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语

Unit 5  Do you have a soccer ball?


                 Section A (1a-2c)

Teaching Aims:

1. Enable students to read and use the words: have, soccer ball, tennis ball, ping-pong ball, volleyball, basketball, bat...   and the sentences: Do you have …?       Yes, I do. I have   No, I don’t.  I dont have…  Does he/she have...? Yes,he/she does. He/She has...  No,he/she doesnt. He/She doesnt have...

2. To make the students know how to ask whether others have something or not and how to answer it.  

3. To develop the students’ ability of listening, speaking and reading. And make the students love sports, love life,love country.

Key points:  kinds of sports, Do you have …? Yes, I do. I have  / No, I don’t. I dont have…  Does he/she have...? Yes,he/she does. He/She has...  No,he/she doesnt. He/She doesnt have...

Difficult points:  Does he/she have...? Yes,he/she does. He/She has...  No,he/she doesnt. He/She doesnt have...

Teaching Methods     

Task-based language teaching and learning

Audio-visual teaching method

Total physical response

Cooperative learning

Teaching Aids

 A multimedia classroom, PPT; cards

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Review and lead in

Stick flags on their face, let the students know more sports,and more sports things. love life,love our country. Then Play a video about soccer ball to draw students attention.(视频导入,创设英语学习氛围,同时也为句型 Do you have...?做铺垫) 视频是关于王霜的足球运动经历,她想邀请大家来看她们足球比赛,为结束部分获胜组老师带他们去看王霜的足球比赛做好铺垫。


Step 2 Teach the new words

(1)Present new words (with PPT)

T: What’s this?   S: It’s a soccer ball  

Read after me, soccer ball,

(Soccer ball, tennis ball, ping-pong ball, volleyball, basketball, bat…) (在已学句型What’s this? 中教师教授新单词,激发学生旧知引发学生学习新知的兴趣,通过已学过的句型教授新单词)

2Then students read above words together.Next play a game,whats missing?(在教师输入单词后,学生通过有节奏的操练单词然后通过游戏whats missing?输出单词)

2.Lead into the new sentences by presenting some pictures.

(1)T:Where is basketball?Basketball is here .I have a basketball . Do you have a basketball?

Read the sentences to students.  Do you have a basketball?  Yes, I do. I have a basketball. No, I don’t.  I dont have a basketball(句型引入,教师通过对话询问某人是否有此物品,再带读学生新句型,输入新句型环节紧扣)单词的教授使用了多种方法,激发学生兴趣,更有利于学生掌握词汇。


Step 3  Presentation

1. Read the conversation in 1a.

2. Show some pictures on the screen and let the students to practice them.

3. Do a relay game to practice the sentence pattern:

S1:I have a...

S2: She/He has a...

I have a...

S3: She/He has a ...

I have a...

4. Let students choose the pictures of balls in the box and answer teachers questions.

T:( Please choose one ball in the box) Do you have a basketball?

S1:Yes, I do./No,I dont.

T:Please put it on the blackboard.

T:Do you have a volleyball?

S2: Yes, I do./No,I dont.

T: Does he have a volleyball?

S2: Yes, he does./No,he doesnt.

5. Then students put the balls they choose on the blackboard.

Purpose of my designing:CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture. To present the dialogue by CAI is much easier for the students to grasp the meanings.  A relay game here can develop the students ability of communication and also their cooperation will be trained. Teacher-student interaction can build a harmonious relationship and strengthen students confidence .


Step 4  Listening

1. Do 1b and check the answers.

2. Do 2a and 2b and check the answer.

Purpose of my designing: This step is employed to make the students get the general idea of the dialogues and let the students have a chance to practice their listening and speaking abilities. I always believe that imitating the original soundtrack is a good way to improve our spoken English.此部分删除


1. The best listener  


2. T:Listen and Fill in the blanks.


Step 5 Pairwork

1. Look at the sentence pattern in 2C.

2. Show more pictures to let students make more conversations.

Purpose of my designing: Task-based method and Communicative method are used here to develop the students ability of communication and also their cooperation will be trained.


Step 6 Make a survey问卷调查有些老套,换个花样让学生做链接,不一样的方式。将划线部分的删除

1.Let students make a survey and write them down.











2.Choose several students to present their reports.

Purpose of my designing:Group work can cultivate students team spirit. The most important is improving their speaking ability and writing ability. Meanwhile, they can grasp the sentence patterns and new words through this kind of activity.

Step 6: Group work

According to the PPT, the students are required to practice in groups. And make sentences by using new structure, for example

A:Do you have a...(add the other words)

B: Yes, I do. I have   

No, I don’t.  I dont have…  

A:Does he/she have...?

B:Yes,he/she does. He/She has...  

No,he/she doesnt. He/She doesnt have...

Then students act the dialogue in group


Play a game : students speak out the required sentence one by one.(通过游戏环节,增加活动的多样性及课堂学生思维的活跃性,新句型由前面集体输出到这个环节个体输出,体现了关注全体学生的原则)


Step 7 Summary

Summarize the key points of this period.

Purpose of my designing: Students can understand the sentence pattern better.

Step 8 Exercise

Do some exercises.

Purpose of my designing: Excises can check the outcome of what they learned and consolidate the knowledge.


Step 9 Moral education

Let students know the importance of playing sports and what the Olympics spirit is.

Purpose of my designing:Put some moral education into our class is necessary.


Step 9 Homework

Make a poster. Your school will have a school sports meeting next week. Ask your classmates how many balls they have and what kind of balls they have.Write them down .

Purpose of my designing: It is necessary for students to do some extensive excises after class to consolidate what they have learned.



Blackboard design














Teaching refection
