
Unit 3 How do you get to school?

资源类型:教学设计  |  作者: 张茹  |   发布者:张茹 | 时间:2020-03-24 17:34:53 | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语

Unit3 How do you get to school? Section B(2a-2c)        


教材分析         1.      Learn to read, spell and use the new words, phrases and sentences.

2.      Grammer:1)学习数词2.学习实义动词的一般现在时的用法。

3.      Let the students learn to use the key sentences: “It is   adj.  to do sth.” “it is easy to....” “thanks to”....数字-year-old,come ture

4.      Understand the passage and read it

考点分析 : Let the students learn to use the key sentences: It is   adj.  to do sth. it is easy to.... thanks to ....

教学重点  :1.Let the students master: stop, think of, cross, river, many, village-villager, between...and..Bridge, boat ropewary, year, afraid,    like, villager, leave, dream, true, come true.


教学难点 :   Let the students learn to use the key sentences: It is   adj.  to do sth. it is easy to.... thanks to....

学科维度 :   知识目标: Learn to read, spell and use the new words, phrases and sentences. cross, village, bridge, ropeway, leave, many, be afraid of, be like, leave for, come true.


1. Crossing the river to school.

2. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats.

3. These students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.

 4. Many of the students and villagers never leave the village.

5. Can their dream come true

能力目标:How 引导的特殊疑问句及其回答




一、自主学习 预习检测(3’)

1)Preview the new words

2) How do you get to school?Do you walk or ride a bike?



Show the teaching aims.

 1.Revise the important phrases and sentences.

2 .To retell the article in 2b.


Show students some pictures. Then ask and answer questions with the students.

T: How do you get to school?


四、合作探究 精讲点拨(20’)

Step1  While-reading activities  2b

1. Fast-reading

 T: Read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea.

The main idea of the article is about_____.

A. an 11-year-old boy

B. how the students in a small village get to school

.C. the villagers’ dream

(设计意图: 该任务意在引导学生速读课文,通过回答问题来实现对课文的整体感知。进而获取文章的大意。

 Task 2 Read the first paragraph. Complete the sentences with words from the passage.

(1)For the students in the village, it is _____ to get to school.

 (2) They have to cross a very _____ river between their school and the village.

(3) They cannot go by boat because the river runs too _____.

(4) These students cross the river to school on a      


Task 3  Read the second paragraph and judge T  or F

(1) Liang Liang’s father is a teacher. (   )

(2) Liang Liang is not afraid of crossing the river on a ropeway. (   )

(3) The boy likes his school because he likes his classmates and teacher. (   )


Task 4   Read the last paragraph and answer the questions.

(1) Do many villagers stay in the village all the time?

(2) Do you think their dream can come true? Why or why not?


改为挖空填词:Many of the _______ and ________stay in the ________all the time? To have a

________is their dream, I think their dream can___________, if we help them


 加:Task4  Retell the story. Can you try?

Hello,everyone!  My name is Liangliang.

  I go to school_________________________. There is a ___________________________.

  ________ The river runs ___________and_________________.It is ___________

_____________,but I am not________because I love my ______ .He is   _______________   .                     And I love to ______________________ .so it is our dream to have a ______. I hope our dream can ___________.Can you help us?

Step 2  Post-reading activities

Read aloud  (1) Listen to the tape and repeat.(删除这个环节)

(2) Ask Ss to read the passage by imitating the tape



For many students, it is easy to get to school.

1. many意为“________”,后跟可数名词_________形式。much也表示“_____”,


2. It is   adj. (for sb.) to do sth.”意为“做某事------”。


_______ is easy _______ _______ a bike.



One 11-year-old boy , Liangliang ,cross the river every school day.


11-year-old 是一个复合形容词,做定语修饰名词boy. 

通常由“数词 单数名词 形容词”构成,


Li Wen is a 15-year-old boy from the countryside.

  It is a  20-meter-tall tree.



  ___many students, it is easy    ___ ___ ____.        


  ___ ___ a big___ ___   his mother’s school  __   the village.


  Our teacher has  ___ ___ ____.            .


  Mrs  Ma  ______ ____.  a mother ____  us.


It’s their dream    ___   ___ ____. 


I believe my dream can   ______ ____.                        .


    ______you ___________ of dogs?

Cherish what you have珍惜你所拥有的一切



Complete the rewriting without looking at the passage.      个性化教案



Unit 3 How do you get to school

Section B 1a-2c

 cross, village, bridge, ropeway, leave, many, dream.

be afraid of, be like, leave for, come true.

                                          Crossing the river to school

Means      go on a ropeway to cross the river

                                           Reasons       no bridge

                                       the river runs too quickly for boats

                                          Dream to have a bridge
