
Cultural relics教学设计

资源类型:教学设计  |  作者: 王海龙  |   发布者:王海龙 | 时间:2020-03-08 13:39:33 | 学段:一年级  | 学科:英语

Unit 1 Cultural relics教学设计

第一单元(Warming up and Pre-reading )

4 、能正确运用与文化遗产相关的词、词组并连接成句子,提高口语表达能力。
rare valuable survive vase amazing select honey design fancy style decorate jewels artists
belong to in return troop reception remove at war remove less than wooden doubt former 
5 、通过文化遗产与文物保护图片及动画播放等多层次创设情景,引导学生自然而然进入本单元所涉及的话题。通过此课的学习能够更好的提升学生的文化价值理念,热爱文化。尊重人民智慧和保护文化遗产的意识,
教学方式:通过学生自身实践、体验、参与和自主探究,与他人合作探究并交流,培养与人合作,沟通的 能力和获取、处理文化信息的能力。并把综合语言运用能力的培养落实在任务型语言教学的解决过程中
Questions: 1.What is a cultural relic ? 学生思考  然后展示图片 
Can you name them in the pictures?小组竞赛,激发兴趣。学生自由发言 
2. Does a cultural relic always have to be rare and valuable? Is it enough to have survived for a long time? Look at the pictures below and discuss what they are and whether they are culture relics or not. 
3.Are cultural relics only objects like vases or can they be buildings 
too ? Look at the pictures below and discuss what they are and whether they are cultural relics or not 
Picture1,Ming Dynasty vase? Picture2,Tai Mahal 
Picture3, ivory dragon boat? Picture4 Mogao Caves小组探究,两或四个人一组,简单介绍四幅图。老师补充介绍:the cultural relic is any object, building or item that was made sometime in the past , It may be many thousands of years old or it may be a few hundred and it may or may not be valuable ,besides , it tells us something of the way people lived at the time it was made .This may be because of its method of manufacture or how the item was used 
Question:1.Can you name some cultural relics in China and abroad? Students first list some local cultural relics. Then share all the information they have
2 .头脑风暴,
There are many cultural relics in the world 
1 .Can you speak out any local cultural relics and list them ?
2 .Can you speak out and list any cultural relics in other countries?
任务1local cultural relics 任务2cultural relics in other countries
.小组活动 探究相关内容
1.图片回放,猜出本部分图片是否是文化遗产并说出它们的名字pair work
(1) Guess and give the names of cultural relics on the screen.
图片1Ming Dynasty vase 图片2Tai Mahal? 图片3ivory dragon boat 图片4Mogao Caves 
(2) Say words? related to? the cultural relics 
rare valuable survive vase Dynasty 
.介绍琥珀相关知识Introducing amber 
QuestionDo you know what amber is  
Have you ever seen a piece of amber 
What do you know about is ?教师展示课前准备好的琥珀图片或琥珀制作的小工艺品 学生自由发言
The teacher shows the pictures of amber and gives a brief introduction to amber of the Amber RoomAmber is a hard yellowish brown clear substance It is often used for jewels and decorative objects  
.角色扮演 Role-play 
Two students play the role of a government official and the man who has the Ming Dynasty vase, Help the students to solve the problem andthen decide (with reasons )who should have the vase 
Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room or Yuan Ming Yuan in Being ? Give your reasons 
1Write an e-mail to your pen friend in the USA to introduce cultural relics in our country. (About 100 words) 
Dear Jack,
Glad to receive your e-mail. Yes, I would like to introduce our cultural relics to you .Yuan Ming Yuan in Beijing is symbol 
of our country building ,which was built ...