

资源类型:教学设计  |  作者: 张清凤  |   发布者:丛爽 | 时间:2020-03-03 23:08:23 | 学段:二年级  | 学科:英语

一、自主学习 预习检测

Complete the sentences.

翻译词组:1.get on with   2.offer sth to sb.  3.communicate with sb. 4.elder brother /sister  5.whatever= no matter what

1) The boy felt sorry that he _____ (争吵 ) with his parents.

2)He wants to play basketball, but his   parents want him to do homework ___________(反而).

3)I’m always _________(焦虑的 ) before the big exams.

4)We should _________(提供) help to the  old on the bus.

5)We should _________(交流) wiyh each other.


Teacher:   Show and explain learning aims to the Ss.

Ss:   Read learning aims, know what they will learn in this class.


lead- in 

Teacher asks some questions:

1.Can you get on well with your family?

2.Are the relations between your parents good?

3.Do you have any brothers or sisters?Can you get on well with him or her?

4.Who do you ask for help when you have problems?

三、合作探究 精讲点拨


Task 1.   Read the passage in 3a silently and as  quickly as you can to catch the main meaning. Answer the questions;

1)How many problems does the writer have? 

2)What’s  Robert’s advice?


Task 2 Read the  first  passage carefully and  find out What  the problems are?

Read the second passage carefully and find out the sentences that give advice  and then find out What advice  Robert gives him. (tell students they can underline or circle the sentences with a red colored pen)

Do you agree   or disagree with  Mr.Hunt’s advice?

And why?   Talk about it in your group.

Task 3 .   Read the passages aloud  and take some notes.

Ask the students to think about it by themselves first. Then the teacher explain the long and key sentences . How to use and the meaning of Chinese in this passage.

 Task 4 Finish 3c

Which words and phrases in the letters have the same or similar meanings as the following? Write a sentence using each word or phrasse. 

四. 当堂检测

  Fill in the blanks according to the  passage.

The students   can’t _______ with his family. His parents often ________. He doesn’t know if   he_____

Say anything   to them about it. When they argue, it’s like a big cloud _________ over his   home. His elder brother always __________ let him ________ his favorite TV   show. So he always feel _______ and _______. Mr. Hunt advises him to   _________ these feeling with his parents, and he should ______ to help, he   could do more jobs around the house_______ they have more time for proper   communication. Secondly, he should sit down and ________ his brother. He should   ________ that he doesn’t mind him _________ TV, his brother should ______ him   ______

his favorite   show.



Teacher: What have you  learned in this class?

Ss: We have learned how  to solve the problems in our life.



Finish off   the exercise in workbook.

Use “should”   and “could” make more sentences.


























           Unit   4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?

                              Section   A(3a-3c)


1)    His parents fight a lot.

2 His brother refuses to let him watch his favorite TV show.


1)    Do more jobs around the house.

2)    Communicate with his brother.