

资源类型:教学设计  |  作者: 张昀  |   发布者:张昀 | 时间:2020-02-22 19:16:40 | 学段:一年级  | 学科:英语

Unit 3 How do you get to school? Section A (1a-Grammar Focus)

Step11. T: Hi! Everyone. Nice to see you again. How are you today?

2. T: Do you want to listen to an English song?

 3. T: Ok. Let's listen to a song "Lemon Tree". T: Let's learn the new words.(让我们来学习新的单词)

subway take the subway train take the train

Section A 1a

First ask students to look at the picture. And read the sample sentences to them. Ask them to repeat.

T: Hey, Dave. How do you get to school?

Then let Ss say how other Ss in the picture get to school. Give them some help if necessary.


Then read the phrases to them and ask them to repeat. Then ask them to write them in the box and add other ways to get to school.

 1. First ask Ss to say what each person is doing. Write the phrases on the board. (首先让学生说每个人都在做什么。然后把句子写到黑板上walking riding taking the train taking the subway taking the bus

2. Then tell Ss to listen to a recording. Two people are talking about some Ss get to school.(然后让同学们听录音)

3. Point out the names of the Ss in the box. Read the names to the class. 

4. T: Now listen to the conversation. Please write the number of the name in the white box next to the student. One of them has already been done.

 5. Then play the recording for the first time. Ss only listen.(放一遍录音,同学们只是听)

6. Play the recording a second time. This time ask the Ss to write the number of the name next to the correct Ss.(放第二遍录音,这次让同学们在学生下写出正确的名字

 7. Ask Ss to complete the activity individually

  8. Then check the answers. 

Step 2 Grammar Focus

1Students read aloud, and understand the meaning of each sentence.

2Remember Grammar Focus.

3Lanuage points

(1)How do/doessb.get tosp.?意为某人怎样去某地?

how是疑问副词, 本句中用来提问出行方式。


A: Sb.take(s)the+交通工具+to+某地.

B: Sb.get(s) tosp.by+交通工具.

(3)It takes sb. some time to do sth. 意为做某事花费某人多长时间。

(4)如果对时间段提问的话,用句型How__longdoes it take sb. to do sth.

对两地间的距离提问用句型:“__How__far__is it fromsp.__tosp.

Step 3 Practice

1Look at 3a. Match the sentences with the answers.

2Students do the exercises by themselves and then ask students to check the answers with the class.

3Look at 3b. Use these words below to make questions. Then ask and answer them with your partner.


5Check the answers with the partners. eg.

A: How do you get to school?

B: I take a bus to school.

Step 4 Game (Find someone who)

1Now, look at the chart below. Can you tell the meaning of each sentence?

2Let some students say the meanings of the sentences.

3Make sure students know how to do this game.

4Students ask and answer these questions with their classmates

(1)How far is it from your home to school?


(2)How do you get to school?


(3)How long does it take you to get to school?


5. 看谁能最先完成调查,并找到与表格中数据相一致的同学。

Step 5 Exercises (详见PPT课件)

Step 6 Homework

1Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.

2Make a survey (How do your parents get to work).

tep 2 Grammar Focus

1Students read aloud, and understand the meaning of each sentence.

2Remember Grammar Focus.

3Lanuage points

(1)How do/doessb.get tosp.?意为某人怎样去某地?

how是疑问副词, 本句中用来提问出行方式。
