
Unit1 period 2

资源类型:教学设计  |  作者: 刘雪萍  |   发布者:刘雪萍 | 时间:2020-02-18 18:32:50 | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语





Unit 1 Whats the matter?



第 2  课时




1)Ss can use the   following words and expressions:

passenger, onto, save,   expect, happen, hit, trouble, herself get off, to ones surprise, right away, get into, agree to do, thanks to, in   time

2)Ss can use the   following sentence patterns:

The driver saw an   old man lying on the side of the road.

He expected most of   or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus.

To his surprise,   they all agreed to go with him.

Thanks   to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time.

2. Get specific information from the   passage.

3. Learn to help others in trouble.   Helping others is a happy thing.



Knowledge objectives


Learn how to talk   about health, use have to   talk about health problems


independent study, pair work,  group work













教   学   设   计




1).下车             2).让某人惊奇的是            

3).同意做某事                4).摔倒            





2. Section A 4b

Teacher: Circle the best   advice for these health problems. Then add your own advice.

Ss: Finish the part in pairs.

设计意图:检查预习情况,同时复习了上节课的target language


1.        Show   the learning aims

Teacher: Show learning aims to the Ss.

Ss: Read learning aims, know what they   will learn in this class.


2. Lead in

  Look at the picture. Discuss what happened   and then what we should do.

  Teacher: What happened in the picture?   Students:

  Teacher: What should we do to help them?  Students:

  Teacher: Did the bus driver help them?    Students:



Step 1. Reading

1.        Listening

Teacher: Play the tape   of the passage for Ss.

Ss: Listen and try to   get the main idea of the passage.


2   .Fast   reading 3a

Teacher: Read the   passage quickly and answer the questions.

   1) Do you think it comes from a newspaper   or a book? How do you know?

   2) Did the bus driver help the man and the   woman?

Ss: Ss read the passage   and answer the questions.


3. Careful reading 3b

 Teacher: Read the passage again and check   the things that happened in the story.

1 ___Wang Ping was the   driver of bus No.26 at 9:00 a.m. yesterday

2 ___Bus No.26 hit an   old man on Zhonghua Road.

3 __ The old man had a   heart problem and needed to go to the hospital right away.

4 ____ The passengers on   the bus did not want to go to the hospital, so only Wang Ping went with the   woman and old man.

5 ____ Some passengers   helped to get the old man onto the bus.

6 ____ The old man got   to the hospital in time.


Step 2.  Group work   3c

Teacher:  Now lets discuss the questions in 3c in a group. After discussing,   you should give the possible answers.

Ss: Ss discuss the   questions in a group, and give their answers.


Step 3. Post-reading

Teacher:  Complete the   short passage below according to 3a.

At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus   No.26 was going 1._______ Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying   on the side of the road. A woman next to him was2._______ for help.

   The bus driver, Wang   Ping 3._______ the bus without thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman   what 4._______. She said that the man had a heart problem and 5._______ go to   the hospital. He told the 6.______ that he must take the man to the 7.______.   Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to 8._______ the man on the bus. 9._______ to   Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctor 10._______ the man in time.

Ss:  Ss close their books,   read and try to complete the short passage.



1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. I saw an old man ____ (lie) on the road.

2. I sat in the same way without ______      (move).

3. He only thought about ______ (save) a life   and didnt think about _______ (him).

4. The old man needed _____ (go) to the   hospital.

5. A woman was ________ (shout) for help.

6. He expected them ______ (get) off the bus.

设计意图:此环节是综合运用知识的部分, 通过对本节课内容的学习,用知识解决实际中碰到的问题。使其感受到学有所用。


1.   Summary:

Teacher: Sum up the new words and the target languages we   have learned in this class.


2.         Homework:

Make at least three conversations using the   information below.


    See       a doctor/Take some pills/Drink a lot of waterLie down and rest/ Go to       bed early.Drink some hot tea with       honeyDo some exercisesSee a dentist         Eat ice cream.Drink cold water.Go swimming.Watch TV late.Speak loudly.Eat some hot food.Eat sweet food.         A cold                             A       feverA       headacheA       stomachacheA       sore throatA       sore backA       toothache Problems          Should               Shouldnt









Unit   1 Whats the matter?

(Section   A 3a-3c

see   sb. doing sth.     save    get off/ into      along

expect   to do sth.   passenger  to ones surprise    hit(hit)

agree   to do sth.   trouble    thanks to   right away    

    without thinking

















