
三年级上册Lesson 5

资源类型:教学设计  |  作者: 赵新华  |   发布者:赵新华 | 时间:2020-02-13 22:48:04 | 学段:小学  | 学科:英语

Teaching objectives:

1.Can listen, speak, read the new words: desk , chair;

2.Can listen, speak, read the new sentences:What’s on the chair/desk? A Chinese book./An English book. Very good

3.Pair work, Activities.3.Can understand and read the dialogue.

Key and difficult  point:

Can listen, speak and read the new words: desk and chair.

2.Can listen, speak and read the new sentences:What’s on the chair/desk? A Chinese book./An English book.

3.Enable pupils to understand and communicate with the main words and sentences.

4.Try to use new sentences in real life.

Teaching aids:Picture cards, tape,  PPT

Presentation &Practice:

1.Lead in the new words and sentences with the (PPT5-6)

1)T:What’s this?

 SS:Desk,chair ... (Speak in Chinese.)

2)T:Yes,look here.This is a desk.What’s this?

 SS:It’s a desk.

 T:What’s on the desk?

 S1:An English book.


 Use the same way to learn the new word chair.

 (Read the new words one by one, pair work,...)

3)Lets match.( PPT7-8)

Look at PPT to practice words about this Unit.

Let some Ss match and say the words.

4)Lead in new sentences.(PPT9-11)

a)T: What’s in the pencil-box?

 S1:A pencil.

T :ask several Ss to practice this sentences.

b)T:What’s on the desk?

 S2:A Chinese book./...

c) T:What’s on the desk?

 S3:An English book./...

Then work in pairs to practice the sentences.

3.Let’s chant.( PPT12 )

 What’s in the desk/chair?

 A ...

What’s on the  chair/ desk?    ?

 A/an ...

 Watch the video and learn to say the chant.

4..Listen to the tape about lesson 5. And read the dialogue.( PPT13-20 )


(2)Listen and repeat.

(3)Read together.

(4)Role play.

(5)Make a new dialogue with  your partner.

Additional Activities:

1.Listen and read the dialogue.

2.Make a new dialogue.

Summary:Enable students to summarize what we’ve learned this lesson


1.Recite lesson 5. 

2.Make a new dialogue.

3.Do exercise-book.

Blackboard design:

                                                           Unit 1 Let’s go to school. Lesson 5

                  A:What’s on the chair/desk?

                 B: A Chinese book./An English book.

                   New words:    desk  ,     chair;