

资源类型:教学设计  |  作者: 张惠玲  |   发布者:张惠玲 | 时间:2020-02-13 15:51:10 | 学段:小学  | 学科:英语

Teaching subject:

Unit1  Let’s go to school .



Listen & speak

Teaching objectives

1.Can listen, speak, read the   new words: school, classroom.

2.Can listen, speak, read the   new sentences: “Nice/Glad to see you again.” “Let’s go to school”.

3.Can understand and read the   dialogue.

Key and



Teaching important points:

1. Can listen, speak and read “Nice/Glad to see you again.”   “Let’s go to school”.

2. Greet in English and use “Nice/Glad to see you again”.greeting

3. Can Listen, speak and read words:  school, classroom.

Teaching difficulties:

Can   use the main words and sentences.

Teaching   methods

and studying ways

Situational teaching method, cooperative learning   method.

Teaching aids:

cards\tape-recorder\ PPT






























Presentation &


Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Before class

Listen and sing "Let's  go to school.“

Good   morning  to you.”  (show the PPT2)




Teacher says “Hello!Nice to see you again. " Let students practice the  sentence one by one.Let’s   go to……”to students, and lead   students to answer.

At the same time, help students to understand the   new word “   school.”Thenlead-out the new word "school".


通过问候的形式自然进入新课题,引导学生学习并练习新知“ school.”,使学生很快的融入到英语课的气氛中来,并能使学生在心情愉悦的情况下进行学习。


Make a situation.

Winter holiday is over.It's time to go to school.Now let's visit our school.Teach"school".Look !Where is it?


1. Learn the new words: school, classroom . (show the PPT3-4)

Teacher  show the picture card, teach the word “ school,”.

Tschool, school ,  Let’s go to   school”.

T:Use "school " make new sentease .like this:This

 is my school.

  Help   students to understand the sentence and repeat.

Then, say the sentence like this:

Hello! Nice to see you again. Let’s go to school.

Ss act and practice the sentence one by one. (   Hello! Nice   to see you again. Let’s go to school.).

T: Look!  This is our classroom.

T: classroom, classroom, This is our classroom.

    (Read one by one, pair work,play a guse ame…)

(Teach the word   classroom.” in different ways).



2.Let’ chant:    (show the PPT5)

  school, school ,  Let’s go to school.

  classroom, classroom, This is our classroom.



3.Lead in the words and sentences:

    T:Hi,boys and girls,let’s use your head

quickly.Where do you work/study?


    T:Do you like school/classroom?

Ss:Yes.   I do.

Then   read one by one,have a competition,in groups and games to practice the words   and sentences.



4.Learn the new dialogue

(1)     Just listen.

(2) Listen and read after the type.

(3) Read together.

(4) Role play.


1.Make a new conversation

(1). Role play

Let Ss  use   the sentences “Hello! Nice/Glad to see you again.”,   “ Let’s   go to…”to make a new dialogue.

(2). Can use “ Nice/Glad to see you again.”to greeting.

(Choose one group best and give them stickers.)



2.. read the dialogue/ act the dialogue:    (show the PPT6-7)

S1: Hello! Nice to see you again.

S2: Hello! Glad to see you again.

S1: Let’s go to school.

S2: Ok.Let’s go !



通过学生二人一小组认真朗读对话, 分角色朗读课文对话等方式,巩固练习课文内容,熟练掌握课文里的重点句型。


Additional Activities

Step5.Additional activities   (show the PPT8)

(1) Use the following words to make a sentence .

1.see    to  Nice  you    again.

2.School     to  Let’s  go.

(2) Translate the English sentences into Chinese.

1 Nice/Glad to see you again.

2 Let’s go to school.

(3) Do exercise book together





Enable students to summarize what   we’ve learned this lesson.









Step6.Homework   (show the PPT9)

A.     1. Read the   dialogue.

2. Use “Nice/Glad to see you again”.greeting.  

2.Talk about with your father  and mother at home.

3.Recit the words and sentence.






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