
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  五年级下册第四单元19

       作者:栗琛 | 发布者:栗琛  | 时间:2020-04-29 19:50:47  | 学段:小学  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册



       Unit 4   Whats wrong with you ?



              Lesson 19













                         霍城县第一小学  栗琛





I.Teaching aims:

I) Knowledge and skills:

1. Students can listen、speak、read and write these words:

dear     bad     ill     worry     afraid

  have a bad cold        have a fever     

  have a headache        have a cough.

2. Students can master the sentences:

-------May I speak to ?

-------This is speaking.

-------Im   ill  .

I have a bad cold.

Im afraid I cant go to school today.

------- Dont worry about your lessons .

Ill help  you with your English.

II) Process and methods:

1.Students can  learn the new words by looking ,listening  and speaking.

2.Students can learn new sentences by practice .

III) Emotion attitude and value :

 Enable students learn some school rules. And try to make a call to others.

II .Important points:

Students  can  listen 、speak 、read and write:

dear   bad  ill  worry  afraid   

2)Students can listen、 speak and read :

have a bad cold      have a fever   

    have a headache        have a cough.

3)Students can use the sentences:

   “May I speak to ?

This is speaking.

Im   ill .

I have a bad cold.

Im afraid I cant go to school today.

Dont worry about your lessons .

Ill help  you with your Englishcorrectly.

III. Difficult point:

Students can understand and use the sentences correctly:

“Im   ill  .

I have a bad cold.

Im afraid I cant go to school today.

Dont worry about your lessons .

Ill help  you with your English”… correctly.

IV.  Teaching  methods:

1. The Direct method       

 2. TPR activity

3.The Audio — lingual  method.

V.  Learning methods:

1. Learning  and speaking.    

2. Group work.        

3. Play games

VI .teaching tools:

A  VCD card  . cards .    PPT  . pictures.

VII. Teaching steps:

Step 1.  Greetings.

T: Hello, everyone. My name is Lee.

          Nice to meet you.


T: Hello, Group 1.

               Hi, Group 1.

               How are you?Group 3.


Step 2.Lead--in  

 Answer a call from Miss Zhao.

----May  I speak to Miss  Li ,please?

----This is Miss Li.

----This is Miss Zhao. I have a headache.

----Oh, dear! Do you have a cold?

----Yes, I have a bad cold.

I’m afraid I can’t go to school today.

----Don’t worry about your work.

You should go to a doctor.

----My husband  will take me to the doctor.

Thank you. Goodbye!

---- Byebye!

Step 3 Revision

T: Whats wrong with Miss Zhao ?

learn these words and phrases:

have a bad cold        have a fever   

    have a headache        have a cough.

2)Guessing game.

----Whats wrong with you ?

fever. fever. I have a fever.   

headache. headache. I have a headache.    

cough. cough. I have a cough.

bad cold . bad cold .I have  a bad cold.

3)Lets chant.

----Whats wrong with you ?

----I have a fever.   

----Whats wrong with you ?

----I have a headache.    

----Whats wrong with you ?

----I have a cough.

----Whats wrong with you ?

----I have  a bad cold.

Step 4   Dialogue

1): T: Who isn’t here?


  Where is Kate?

  Oh, dear. What’s wrong with Kate?

T: Now, listen to the tape, and think.

What’s wrong with Kate?

Ss: ill 

    ( have a bad cold        have a fever

     have a headache        have a cough

     go to a doctor ...)

2) Listen again and try to repeat.

Kate : May I speak to Miss Liu, please?

Miss Liu : This is Miss Liu speaking.

Kate : Good morning, Miss Liu. This is Kate.

           I’m ill today. I have a headache.

Miss Liu : Oh, dear! Do you have a cold?


     Kate : Yes, I have a bad cold. Im afraid I cant

               go to school today.

Miss Liu : Don’t worry about your lessons.

               You should go to a doctor.

      Kate : Yes, My mum will take me to the doctor.

Miss Liu : OK. Take good care of yourself.

      Kate : Thank you.

3) Make a call with your partner.

A: May I..?

B: This is …speaking.

A: …I’m ill today. I ...

B: Oh, ! Do you ?

A: Yes, I have….

    I’m afraid...

B: Don’t worry about ....

     You should

 A: Yes, will take  to

B: OK. Take good care of ....

A: ...

Step5 .Summary and homework

Show the list youve get. And write some thing on it.

Then read it loudly in groups.

Homework:  Try to make a call to Miss Zhao.

Blackboard design:

Unit  4  Whats wrong with you ?


May I speak to , please?

This is speaking.

            I’m ill today.

I have a headache.




Teaching notes:

     在教学中,我先通过 我与Miss Zhao的请假电话的对话来引入本课内容,整体呈现本课的关键句型,通过真实情景的创设来让学生们整体感知本课重难点。然后以送给Miss Zhao的花束作为小组评价方式来提升学生学习积极性,激发学生的表现欲望。<<课程标准》关于“教学中应注意的问题”部分指出:“在教学过程中,要始终体现学生的主体地位,教师应充分发挥学生在学习过程中的主动性和积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,营造宽松、和谐的学习气氛……。”兴趣是最好的老师,是学好英语的关键。单一、古板的教学方法和手段,只能让课堂变得枯燥乏味,让学生对学习英语不感兴趣。新世纪的课堂教学应该是快节奏的、灵活多样的、丰富多彩的,师生互动的,只要是利于学生掌握目标语言,任何游戏环节都可以拿来试一试,不要拘于课堂条件,没有条件要创设条件,用道具引导学生来进入目标语言的情景当中,自然而然的就可以让他们理解将要进行的会话内容了。




  • 马艳霞(发表于 2020/5/5 14:26:08)
