
  • 打印 【教学策略】|  八年级下册Unit5 (Section A 3a—3c)教案

       作者:李娅萍 | 发布者:李娅萍  | 时间:2020-04-29 11:18:41  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册


Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?

(Section A 3a—3c)教案


Step 1 Lead- in

Greet the class and make students look at the video and think about what happened.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Newwords:wind,storm,light,report,area,wood,window,against,match,beat,flashlight,at first,asleep, fall asleep,die down,rise,fallen,apart.


(1)Make the students listen to the tape and answer this questions:What was the weather like before the heavy rain started? What was the neighborhood like after the storm?

(2)read passage and give some explanations.

3.Key points

(1) It was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.

It is adj.+ to do sth.  做……怎么样。

It is adj. for sb. to do sth.  对某人来说做……怎么样。

2) He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m.

fall asleep 进入梦乡,睡着      asleep adj. 睡着

辨析sleepy, asleep & sleep

sleepy是形容词,可意为 “困倦的;瞌睡的”,可作定语和表语。

e.g. I’ll go to bed. I’m sleepy. 我要去睡觉了。我困了。

asleep是形容词,意思是“睡着的”,强调状态,常作表语。短语fall asleep意为“入睡;睡着”。

e.g.Grandma fell asleep when watching TV. 奶奶看电视时睡着了。

sleep可作动词,意为 “睡觉”,也可作名词,意为“睡眠;睡觉”。

e.g.My father is sleeping. Please keep quiet. 我父亲在睡觉,请保持安静。

Step 3 Work on 3b.

Complete the sentences using information from the passage.

Key points:

die down逐渐变弱,逐渐平息

e.g. When you saw him, his anger had died down a bit.


Step4 Work on 3c.

Discuss the questions with a partner.

Step 5 Summary  

Sum up key points of this lesson.

Step 6 Homework

Copy this new words and finish exercise book.


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