
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  中考专题复习 动词时态 教学设计

       作者:黄彪 | 发布者:黄彪  | 时间:2020-04-18 11:57:11  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册


中考专题复习 动词时态 教学设计



1. 学生通过教师对不同时态的定义,能够陈述6种时态的语法含义、语言形式 、动词不规则变化表以及读懂各种时态的代表例句;

2. 学生通过知识点的呈现以及小组内讨论交流,能够根据标志词或短语辨别不同句子的时态;

3. 学生通过课堂练习中,认真读题,抓关键词的方法,能够将时态练习题作对。



1. 能听懂熟悉话题的讨论四种时态的句子

2. 每个学生能陈述四种时态的意义,写出结构

3. 学生能记忆不规则动词表



Stage 1 Warming up

1. Greetings!

2. Test.

Stage 2 Present Simple (一般现在时)   [活动目标:每个学生能陈述一般现在时的意义,写出结构]

Step 1 Set a scene (Pair work)

    A: How often do you …?

    B:  I…

(once a week, twice…, never)

Step 2 Explanation

  一般现在时:  Present Simple

概念:  表示习惯、经常性的动作



                           B:动词+-s (主语单三)

标志语:usuallyoftenneversometimesonce a weektwice a monthevery year

Step 3 Practice

1. Read the sentences again and again.

2. Find out the sign of Present Simple.

3. Task (任务分配:实战演练。)

4. Check (自主学习:学生自主完成  核对)

5. Discussion(交流探究--综合建模:小组讨论错题。)

Stage 3 Present Progressive [活动目标:每个学生能陈述现在进行时的意义,写出结构]

Step 1 Set a scene (Pair work)

Describe the pictures in English together.

Step 2 Explanation

用法: 表示说话时正在进行或发生的动作      eg: What are you doing now?  

结构:  beam, is, are +动词 ing


1)肯定句:be + doing   如: 1. I am listening to the music now.      

2)否定句:在beam, is, are)后加not     “be not + doing”

如:1.The students are not drawing pictures now.

3)疑问句:Be + 主语 + doing  如:1. Is Amy singing?   Yes,she is.\ No, she isn’t.   

4)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句  1. --Where is she singing ?



staystaying   dodoing    listenlistening  read-reading   


      makemaking   taketaking     givegiving  


     sitsitting  runrunning   beginbeginning   swim-swimming

Step 3 Practice

1. Read the sentences again and again.

2. Find out the sign of Present Simple.

3. Task (任务分配:实战演练。)

4. Check (自主学习:学生自主完成  核对)

5. Discussion(交流探究--综合建模:小组讨论错题。)

Stage4 Past Simple [活动目标:每个学生能陈述一般过去时的意义,写出结构]

Step 1 Set a scene (Pair work)

A: What did you do last Sunday morning?  

B: I went to….

C:What did you do last Sunday afternoon?

D: I …

E: What did you do last Sunday night?

F: I……

Step 2 Explanation

概念:  表示过去发生的动作

结构:   did

标志语:yesterday... agoin 1992last week/month…

Step 3 Practice

1. Read the sentences again and again.

2. Find out the sign of Present Simple.

3. Task (任务分配:实战演练。)

4. Check (自主学习:学生自主完成  核对)

5. Discussion(交流探究--综合建模:小组讨论错题。)

Stage 5 Future Tense活动目标:每个学生能陈述一般将来时的意义,写出结构]

Step 1 Set a scene (Pair work)

Describe the pictures in English.

Step 2 Explanation

概念:  表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态

结构:   1will + 动词原形

       2am(is,are) going to +动词原形

标志语: tomorrow, tonight, next year/monthin three years

Step 3 Practice

1. Read the sentences again and again.

2. Find out the sign of Present Simple.

3. Task (任务分配:实战演练。)

4. Check (自主学习:学生自主完成  核对)

5. Discussion(交流探究--综合建模:小组讨论错题。)

Stage 6 Summary & Homework

1. Play 4 different videos.

2. Homework: Finish the workbook.


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