
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.

       作者:崔洪梅 | 发布者:崔洪梅  | 时间:2020-04-08 13:34:53  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:上册



Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.


 The First period  Section A (1a1c)


●Knowledge and ability objects:

1. Master the key words and phrases: (Key points.)

grow up, computer programmer, cook, doctor …

2. Master the target language: (Key points.)

---What do you want to/be going to be when you grow up?

---I want to be a basketball player.  

---How are you going to do that?

---I’m going to practice basketball every day.

3. Feeling and knowing the Simple Future Tense and the structure of being going to do. (Key points.)

4. Try to express the things you will do with the Simple Future Tense. Difficult points

5. Train students’ abilities of speaking, listening, reading ,writing and communicating.Difficult points

●process and methods:

  Task-based teaching method, situational teaching, game teaching method

● Sensibility and value:

  A good plan is a good start to success.



Pair work, Group work

Listening, speaking, reading, communicating and practicing.


A tape recorder.  PPT












芦草沟镇中心学校“学 研 展 馈”课堂教学模式教学案








二、英译汉 (1b)

1.grow up_________2.want to be a computer progress____________

3.study computer science_________4.practice basketball every day_____

5.Study math hard___________6.take acting lessons__________



T:Greeting each other.

I’ll ask them to listen to a song. In this song, they’ll hear a lot of words about jobs. If they hear them, write down or remember them.

Let’s enjoy the song!(设计意图:通过听歌曲创设愉悦的英语学习环境,再有听歌写出自己听到的职业,自然地导入新课。)




Step 1 (1a&1c

1. Show some pictures about jobs on the screen. Ask them “What’s his/her job?” And help them to answer. Then read these new words loudly.

   ---What’s his/her job?

---It’s a/an…设计意图在句中感知单词学习单词,实现语言的交际性功能。

Guessing game

1. Show some pictures in the big screen.

2. Let students guess what he/she does.

3. Let students try their best to guess the job. See which group is the best.

4. Ask students to finish 1a. I’ll read the instructions and make an example.(设计意图:提高学生学习的兴趣,巩固词汇的掌握。)

5.Ask students what they are going to be when they grow up, lead in new sentences:  ─ What do you want to be when you grow up?  

─ I want to be a basketball player.  (设计意图:引导学生感受、学习目标语言。)

Practice the target language with the jobs they want to be in the futureand tell us how you are going to do that. 

Practice in pairs and act out in class.

Step 2 1b: Listening

Ask students to finish 1b. I’ll read the instructions and explain them. Play the tape twice. The first time, students only listen. The second time, students finish the work. Finally, check the answers. And ask him to read out the key words.

Step 3Work in groups. Make a survey: What are you going to be when you grow up?

NamesOccupation(职业)What to want to beHow to doI  Your partner        

1. Read the chart and try to understand what we will do. Wok in groups three or more, Talk about your dreams and finish the chart.

2. Make a report after talking like this: In my group, I am going to be a teacher when I grow up. And I am going to study hard every day. Mali is going to be

Practice and report to the class.

Step 4 Summary the key points:

Ask students what you learned this class, let students say out all the key points.(设计意图:培养学生总结知识,巩固知识的能力)

Step 5 情感教育:明星讲述

Tell students the famous star Wangbaoqiangs dream and he how to do that. Finally let students know :If we never give up, we can achieve our dreams.(设计意图:对学生进行情感教育)






1We talked about what we are going to be when we grow up. And we learned some names of jobs and the Simple Future Tense. You did good jobs, please study more.

2Master the key structure be going to be =want to be  


作业 一:识记本课时重点词汇及短语。(必做)

作业 二:用本课时的目的语言做一个对话。(选做)

作业 三:Make a survey: What your family are going to be ? Write a report like this: In my family, I am going to be a computer progress, I am going to  study computer science




1.─ What do you___ ___ ___ when you grow up?长大后想干什么?)

─ I ____ ____ ____ a basketball player.(我想成为一名篮球运动员)

1. 你打算怎样成为一名演员?

   How ____ you ______ ___ ____ an actor?

2. 你妹妹将来想做什么?

   What___ your sister _____ ____ ___ in the future?

3. 她打算努力学习数学。

   She ___ ______ ____ study math _____.

4. 汤姆想成为一名编程人员。

   Tom wants to be a __________ ____________.






Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.

The first period

——What do you want to/be going to be when you grow up?

 ——I want to be a basketball player.  

——How are you going to do that?

——I’m going to practice basketball every day.



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