
  • 打印 【学习资料】|  Unit 4 单元达标测试题

       来源:状元大课堂  |  作者:范素琴 | 发布者:范素琴  | 时间:2020-03-31 23:04:23  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册


Unit  4 单元达标测试题


    1.A.No,you can’t.    B. It is good.  C. Here you are.

    2.A.Really?    B. Sorry.   C. Don’t say so.

    3.A.It’s too late.

B. We can’t run in the hallways.

C.I like to watch TV.

    4.A.That’s all right.

B. That sounds good.

C. Yes,we do.

    5.A.I have to make dinner.

B. It’s very fun.

C. She has to do her homework.


    6.A.No, she can’t.

B. We don’t know.

C. Yes,she can.

    7.A.No,she can’t.

B. No, she doesn’t.

C. Yes, she does.

    8. A. Don’t look at the rule.

B. Don’t eat apples in the classroom.

C. Don’t eat in the classroom.

    9.A.She is listening to music.

B. She is running in the hallways.

C. She is listening to the school rule.  

    10.A.Lin Hui.

B. Lin Hui's mother.

C. Lin Hui's father.


    11.Liu Fang comes from              .

A. China     B. the USA(美国)  C. Japan(日本)

    12.Liu Fang eats              when she is in school.

A.in the restaurant

B.in the dining hall

C.at home

    13.Liu Fang wears              at school.

A. sports shoes

B. glasses

C. a uniform

    14.Secondly, she              after school.

A. does her homework

B. cleans the room

C. helps her mother make dinner

    15.Liu Fang              after she reads books.

A. goes to bed

B. watches TV

C. eats some food


    16.Our teacher is strict         us          everything.

A.inwith    B.inin   C. withwith    D. with; in

    17.Tom          the rules in your school.

A. break    B. follow    C. keep    D. make

    18.I don’t like singing. My brother doesn’t like singing,         .

A. too    B. also   C.as well    D. either

    19.—Don’t          when you are doing your homework.

—OK. I will listen after I do my homework.

    20.—What’s the rule in your school?


A. It’s next to our school.

B. It’s hot and humid.

C. It’s a ruler.

D. Don’t be late for class.

    21. Ann never         with her classmates. She is friendly(友好的) to everyone.

A.   fights      B. talks     C. walks       D. eats

    22. She practices speaking English        .

A.   everyday

B. every day

C. everyday’s

D.one day’s

    23.It’s raining, so I             stay at home.

A.   can’t    B. have to    C. has to     D .am

    24.—Can you go swimming with me?

               .I’m busy now.

A. Excuse    B. Excuse me    C.OK    D. Sorry

    25.Please remember           your sister’s notebook here. She needs it.

A. bring    B.to bring    C. take     D.to take


Every school has its own rules. How many 26 are there in your school At some schools, the students 27 to wear uniforms on school days. But many students don’t like to wear uniforms. They think the uniforms are the ugliest 28 in the world. But the school don’t allow students to wear 29 own clothes at school. So some students draw cartoons or some famous singers on their 30. They think it is very 31 that everyone wears the same. It is very unfair(不公平的) that teachers and students are wearing 32. But most of the students 33 the rules. What do you think 34 it? Do you35your school uniforms?

    26. A. students    B. rules C. uniforms    D. rulers

    27.A.has    B. must    C. should    D. have

    28.A.clothes   B. shirts C. skirts   D. cloth

    29.A.their   B. they   C. them   D. themselves

    30.A.school   B. books C. uniforms   D. desks

    31.A.bored       B. boring

C. interesting   D. interested

    32.A.same         B. differently

C. different      D. the same

    33.A.follow    B. agree   

C. listen     D. listen to

    34.A.of    B. about     C.by    D. for

    35.A.like    B. make    C. wish    D. put on



Rule One

1. You can come into the room only   with your teacher.

2. Don’t eat or drink in the room.

3. Don’t listen to music.

4. Be quiet. Don’t talk to each   other.

5.Turn off (关掉) all the computers and   close the windows (关上窗户) after class.

Rule Two

Here are the rules for Mary.

1. You have to get up before 6:30   a.m.

2. Don’t listen to music.

3. Don’t talk loudly (大声地) on the phone.

4. Go to bed before 10:00 p.m.

5. You can’t see friends if you   don’t finish your homework.

6. Wash your clothes   yourself.

    36.Rule One may be for a         .

A.TV station       B. computer room

C. post office         D. restaurant

    37. The students can come into the room only with their            .

A. teachers    B. fathers    C. friends    D. mothers

    38.Mary has to get up            a.m.

A.at 7:00      B. before 7:30  C. after 6:30    D. before 6:30

    39.Mary            if she doesn’t finish her homework.

A. can't go to bed

B. may wash clothes

C. can't see friends

D. can listen to music

    40.There are            rules in Rule One and Rule Two.

A. five    B. six    C. ten    D. eleven


Students at Mata School must follow classroom and school rules. Here are some of these rules

Walk to class quickly and quietly.

Do not eat or drink in class.

Don’t talk loudly.

Don't bring dangerous(危险的)things to school.

When you meet a problem, try to find help from a teacher.

When the bell ringsstudents should be in classrooms.

Do not bring large amounts of money to school.


41. How can you walk to class?


42. What can’t you do in class?


43. What things can’t you bring to school?


44.Who can you look for when you are in trouble(麻烦)?

                                                         45.What should you do when the bell rings?




He                                       his room clean.




I think it’s very important                        rules. 


I         help my mom             breakfast.


Don’t          the           dishes on the table.


Mrs. Green is my neighbor. She 51.w     in a big company(公司). There are lots of 52.r     in her company. First, anybody can’t 53.

a     late for work. Second, they can’t 54.t     their breakfast to the office. Third, they have to 55.w          uniforms in the company. 56.F     during the working time, they can’t watch movies, chat(聊天) on QQ or 57.l     to music. 58.B     they can discuss(讨论)something through MSN. Lastthey have to be 59.q     in the office. Everyone must 60.f     the rules.












Unit 4 单元达标测试题





1.Can I eat bananas in the classroom?

2.Don't fight in class.

3.What are the rules at your school?

4.Let's play chess outside.

5.What does she have to do now?




6.M:Morning,Mary!Can you wear hats at school?

W:No,we can't.

Q:Can Mary wear a hat at school?

7.M:What do you have to do after school?

W:I have to clean the classroom and then do my homework.

Q:Does the girl do her homework first?

8.M:Hi,Jean!Would you like an apple?

W:No,we can't eat in the classroom.

M:Oh,I am sorry.

Q:What is the rule?



M:Don't listen to music in the hallways.It's the school rule.

Q:What is Emily doing?

10.M:Do you have family rules,Lin Hui?

W:Oh,yes. My mother makes lots of rules for me.

Q:Who makes rules in Lin Hui's house?




Liu Fang is a Chinese girl.Every morning she gets up at six o'clock.She often eats in the dining hall when she is in school.And she wears her uniform at school.She studies hard.After school,she does her homework first.Then she cleans the room.She often helps her mother make dinner.Before she goes to bed,she usually reads some books.Then she goes to bed at about ten o'clock.She thinks that her day is good!







 (B)41.Quickly and quietly.

42.We can't eat or drink in class.

43.Dangerous things or large amount of money.

44.A teacher.

45.Go into the classrooms.

.46.has to keep

47.you help me

48.to make the













.One possible version:

Welcome to our schoolTina.Here are some of our school rules.Let me tell you!We can't arrive late for class.We can't eat in the classroom,but we can eat in the dining hall.We can't listen to music or play games in class.We must be quiet in the library.We can't run in the hallways and we mustn't fight.


  • 汪小军(发表于 2020/4/3 9:11:49)


  • 吴海青(发表于 2020/4/2 12:56:29)


  • 赵玉娜(发表于 2020/4/1 16:18:43)
