
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  Lesson 5-6

       作者:马燕 | 发布者:马燕  | 时间:2020-03-25 16:41:38  | 学段:小学五年级  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册



Date:  Mar.19th 2020                


School: No.15 Primary School of Yining   



1. 能够听、说、认读本单元有关词组: music club art club  play the violin    paint  a  picture  draw pictures

2. 能够熟练表达以下句型: How many music lessons do you have in a week?   We have two.  We often draw pictures in our art club.


1. 正确发音新词新句.                                 

2. 发展学生听说读写四项技能。

3. 培养学生运用语言交流的能力。








四、教具:   词卡挂图磁带


六、Teaching procedures

(一). Warming up

1. Greeting.

 2.Show some pictures of art club and music club:

   This is our art club and music club.

   We often draw and paint in art club and we often play the piano in our music club.


(二). Presentation

Ss: Follow to learn the new phrases:

Art club  paint a picture  music club   play the piano

T:How many art lessons /music lessons do you have in a week?

S1:We have …

How many … lessons do you have in a week?

We have …

Listen to the tape and follow to read.

Practise  and read the dialogue.

(三). Practise

1. Introduce our school:(展示学校图片)

 This is our school! Welcome to our school!

(Don’t  litterKeep  off  the grass! )

Task(choose a guide of our school)


3.New phrases

(1)music club   singdancelisten to music play the violin

T helps Ss to say

We often singdancelisten to music and play the violin.

T asks : What do you often do in the…?

Ss: We often singdancelisten to music and play the violin.


Learn to say and practise :

A: Do you often have music classes here?

B: Yes , we do.

A: What do you often do in the…?

.B: We often singdancelisten to music and play the violin.

bLet’s practise

Teacher gives a model

A:  Hello. Welcome to our school!  This way,please! This is our music club!

B:Do you often have music classes here?

A:Yes , we do./No , we don’t.

B:How many music lessons do you have in a week?

A:We have two.

B:What do you do in the music club?

A: We often sing and dance.

B:That’s good.


(2) Learn to know:

Art club paint  a  picture  draw pictures

T: What do you often do in the…?

Let’s practise

Welcome to our school!       

This is our art club.     

We have two art classes in a week.

We often draw pictures and paint.  

We like art very much!


. Homework

1.Read the text. (At least five times.)

2.Listen to the Just speak




Library  Music club  Art club  Language lab   Science lab

Welcome to our …!       

This is … .

We have … classes a week.

We often … and … .  

We like … very much! 


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