
  • 打印 【教学实录】|  Unit 1 My name's Gina

       来源:网络  |  作者:张清凤 | 发布者:张清凤  | 时间:2020-03-09 20:43:19  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:上册


Unit 1 My name's Gina.

Section A ( 1a-2d)



1)、能掌握以下单词: name  nice  to  meet   too  your  Ms  his  

and   her  yes  she  he  no  not    


  —Hi. My name’s Gina.     —I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you!

  —What’s your/his/her name? —My/his/ her name is…

③  —Are you…? —Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.  

  —Is he/she…? —Yes, she/he is. / No, she/he isn’t.

 3 )、能了解以下语法:your, his, her等形容词性物主代词的简单用法;

What’s=what is  I’m=I am  name’s=name is等缩写形式。

2 情感态度价值观目标:



1 教学重点:

1) 让学生学会自我介绍,学会交朋友。

2) 正确使用问候语。

2 教学难点:

your, his, her等形容词性物主代词的简单用法


Step 1Warming-up and revision

Task 11. Play the tape, enjoy the ABC song or Hello song, get the Ss to sing together.  


Task 22 Warm greetings to the students

T: Hello! / Hi!

Ss: Hello! / Hi!

T: You are very beautiful/cool/…

Ss: Thank you.


Step 2Presentation

Task 3 Complete 1a ( Write English words for the things in the picture .)

1 Show some objects to the Ss. Ask "What's this in English?" Let Ss answer in English.e.g. clock door schoolbag basketball map cup ruler key pen window book cap etc.

2Let Ss look at the picture on Page 1, and write down the names of the things in

the picture. Then check the answers ( key: map clock door schoolbag basketball  cup pen window book cap  … )


Step 3Practice and task-cycle

Task 4Complete 1b  ( Listen and number the conversation 1-3.)

1T: Hello! My name is Guo Ping . What’s your name? 3

S: My name is Tom.

T: It’s a good / nice name. I like your name.

2T: Hi! I’m Lily. / My name’s Lily.

S: Hi! Lily. I’m Alan.

T: Nice to meet you!  

S: Nice to meet youtoo.

3T: (Ask a boy to stand up) What’s his name?

Ss: His name is …

(Repeat with another boy.)

T: (Ask a girl to stand up) What’s her name?

Ss: Her name is …

(Repeat with another girl.)

4T: (Show a photo of Liu Dehua)   Is he Liu Xiang?

    Help Ss answer:  No, he isn't. He's Liu Dehua.

    Then (Show a photo of Liu Xiang)  Is he Liu Xiang?

    Help Ss answer:  Yes, he is.

       (Point to some students in the class.) Is he/she…? 

       Let some Ss answer the questions.

5Write the expressions on the blackboard. Let Ss read and remember. Tell the Ss to pay attention to:

what’swhat is  I’mI am  name’sname is

6 Game (Choose an English name.)

T: Look here. I have a lot of small gifts for you. Come here and touch.  

    Try to say them in English, I’ll give you the gift and let you choose an English name first.

S: Yeah.

S1: (获得英文名后) My name’s…/ I’m…

S (全班):  Nice to meet you!

S1:  Nice to meet you!


T: Now let’s listen to the tape, find out the right conversation, and number them 1-3.

   Point out the boxes where students will write a number for each conversation. Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Then play a second time, Ss number the conversations.

T: OK. Let’s check the answers. Left to right .

Ss: 2,1,3

Dialogue 1: A: Good morning! I’m Cindy.

          B: Hello, Cindy. I’m Dale.

          A: Nice to meet you!

Dialogue 2: A: What’s your name?

          B: Alan.

          A: Hello, Alan. I’m Ms Brown.

Dialogue 3: A: Hi. My name’s Gina.

          B: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you!

          A: Nice to meet you, too.

点评:老师与学生之间的对话与交流,能够激发学生的学习动机和展示自我的欲望,启发学生的参与意识,比较具体的、明确的、逐步地完成学习目标。以听力训练的方式巩固学生对打招呼及自我介绍的核心句型的认识,听第一遍录音,整体感知三组对话的语境,学生通过学过的人名Alan Cindy Dale 等判断对话的顺序,引导学生明白抓关键词(名字)完成听力任务的学习策略。听第二遍录音,让学生跟读并模仿对话。

Task 5Complete 1c  Practice the conversations above with your partner .

Then greet your classmates .

1Ask the Ss to practice the conversations in 1b with a partner. Then use their own names to practice instead of the names given.

2Encourage the Ss to leave their seats, move around and greet other classmates.

  3Get some pairs to come to the front of the class and act out the dialogue after they have practiced several times.


Step 4Complete 2a 2b

Task 61Work on 2a;

T: Now, look at the pictures on P2, listen to the four conversations. Just listen.

(Play the recording for the first time, students only listen carefully.)

Then, listen to the recording again, and number the pictures 1-4. The first one has done for you.

T: OK. Let’s check the answers. Top row:        Bottom row :       

Ss: Top row: 3, 2  Bottom row :1,4

   2Work on 2b;

   T: Now. Look at the names in the box. Let's read the names together.

   Ss:  Read the names aloud together.

T: Now listen again. Circle the names you hear.

Play the recording. Students listen and circle the names they hear. Then check the answers.

Ss: …

点评: 听力训练,培养学生听音、辨词、理解语句的能力。但是,很多学生觉得听力活动比较困难,因此听前让学生读懂任务要求,该步骤要求学生听懂英语名字是关键。在听力过程中,教师根据学生的实际情况在语音、句意上给予指导和帮助。如;Excuse me ,are you Eric ? 告诉学生当问别人问题时,用Excuse me ,引起对方注意,一种礼貌表达。这个活动是本堂课的升华,任务的层次有所递进,表达的语言更加丰富,注重了口语应用,同时为下一步的教学活动做好准备。

Step 5Complete 2c  Practice the dialogue

Task 61Suppose you are new students at Da Yin Middle School. You are from other school . You meet for the first time. Make up a dialogue in pairs.

Make a model dialogue with a student. Other students should listen carefully.

  T:  Hello! What’s your name?     

  S1: My name’s…    

  T: I’m…   

  S1: Nice to meet you!

  T: What’s his name?

S1: His name is…

T: And what’s her name?

S1: Her name is…

2 Let all the students work in pairs. Practice the dialogue. Then ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.


Step 6Complete 2d  Role-play

Task 7 1T ; Close your books ,listen to the tape . At the same time .Ask Ss to look at the picture in 2d.

questions: 1How many people are there in the conversation ?

                       2Who are they ?

T: Then Ss read the dialogue by themselves and try to find out what

    their names are. 

2T: (Point to the first boy) What's his name?

Ss: His name is Mike.

T: (Point to the first girl) What’s her name?

Ss: Her name is Jane.

Then ask the second the boy's and the second girl's names. (Jack, Linda)

  3 Divide the Ss into groups of four---six. Let them practice the dialogue in their group.

  4Then ask some groups to act out their dialogue in class.


Step 7sum up

Task 8let the students sum today’s ideas .

Step 8Homework:

1  Go on making up your dialogues with your group members after class.

2  Copy the new words twice.

3  Write English names as many as possible in the exercises book.




Unit 1  My name's Gina.

Section A (1a-2d)


        1  Hi. My name’s Gina.

         —I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you!

         Nice to meet you, too.

       2 What’s your/his/her nameMy/His/Her name is…

       3 Is he/she…?

       —Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn't. 


       1 缩写形式:What’s = What is  I’mI am  name’sname is

       2 形容词性物主代词:your, his, her



















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