
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  Unit 4 How do you get to school?

       作者:段梅 | 发布者:段梅  | 时间:2020-03-08 13:21:20  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:上册


八上英语教学设计Unit 4  How do you get to school?




课题:Unit 4  How do you get to school?          课型:新授

Self check  1  2   3


知识与技能:How do you get to school?     I take the bus.

How long does it take ?       It takes 20 minutes.

How far is it?               It’s 10 miles.


情感态度与价值观:To learn more students other countries use transportations

教学重点:Do exercise


教学方法: exercise

教学用具: Pictures


授课日期:第         星期











Step 1Greeting

Ss : Good morning , teacher.

T: Good morning , class

Step 2 review and learn new words

T: I'm very glad to see you again. Do you remember what transportation we learnt in last lesson?

Ss: How do you get to school?

Well, I ride my bike to the subway station.

Then I take the subway.

T:Look at the picture. Please make the dialogue as last lesson.

A:  How does Thomas get to school?

B: He gets to school by a subway.

A:Do you take a plane to school?

B: No, I don't. 

A: How does Maria get to school?

B: She takes the bus.

A: How long does it take Maria to get to school?

B:  It takes her twenty minutes.

A:  How far is it from her home to school?

C:  It’s five miles.

Step 3 Spell game

S1: bus, b-u-s 公共汽车

S2: subway,u-b-w-a-y 地铁

S3: train,t-r-a-I-n 火车

S4: ship, s-h-I-p 轮船

S5: bike, b-I-k-e 自行车

S6: plane, p-l-a-n-e 飞机

S7: taxi,t-a-x-i 出租车 

S8 boat, b-a-o-t 小船


Step 4SelfCheck 1

Fill in the blacks then check the answers make sentens

Step 5Groupwork

How do you get to school?     I take the。。。

How long does it take ?       It takes 。。。minutes.

How far is it?               It’s 。。。miles.

Step 6Just for fun!

Teach the short story,and have fun!

Step 7 Summary

After class, ask your classmates about the transportation in this lesson. Find

out what they have learned.

Step8 homework

Write a passage like Section B -3c





  • 段梅(发表于 2020/4/29 8:31:21)


  • 段梅(发表于 2020/4/28 23:12:23)


  • 杨俊丽(发表于 2020/3/28 13:56:37)


  • 段梅(发表于 2020/3/8 18:31:38)
