
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  Lesson32

       作者:李晓燕 | 发布者:李晓燕  | 时间:2020-03-04 21:23:34  | 学段:小学  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:上册


Unit6 Would you like to take a trip?



1. Teaching objectives:

2. Students can master the four skilled words (monkey  panda  bear ) and the three skilled words (giraffe   camel).

Students can use the sentences to make up their own dialogues.

Students can learn to take after their parents.
2. Key points;
The four skilled words: monkey  panda   bear
The three skilled words: giraffe  camel
3. Difficult points:
The sentences: Whats  this  in  English?
Its a  giraffe.
4. Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Revision
1) show a pictures on the computer. Answer the questions:  Where  shall  we  go  ?

We  want  to   go   to  the  (farm / theme park/zoo)  

2) Use the computer to show zoo. Let the students guess:
Whats  this  in  English?

Step 2: Presentation
Look  at  the screen. Teacher  ask :Whats  this in English? Students  answer :Its a/an………

Students learn the new words: giraffe   camel  

Lets  play  games :(Whisper,Stand  and  sit ,Find  the  words)

Look  at  the screen. Teacher  ask :Whats  this in English? Students  answer :Its a/an………

Students learn the new words: monkey  panda  bear


Step 3: Look and say
Look at the video about the dialogue. Students listen and read the dialogue.
Teacher explains:The  giraffe is  so  tall.

It  has  a  long  neck.
Students act out the dialogue in pairs.
After the show, students make up their own dialogues using the new sentences.
Step 4: Practice
1) Play a game: students take out their word cards. One student asks, the other guess. (Four students in one group)
Example: Whats  this  in  English ?

Its a  /an ……
2) doing the exercise on the exercise book.


Step 5: Summary
Summarize what we have learnt today.
5. Homework:
1) Recite the dialogue.
2) Preview the next lesson.


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