
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  第三课时 Section B(1a-1d)

       来源:网络  |  作者:张清凤 | 发布者:张清凤  | 时间:2020-02-28 20:35:29  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册


Teaching Key Points 【教学重点】

 The vocabulary

 sickkneehurt one's kneefeel sickhave a nosebleed

 Target language

 1.Put a bandage on it.

2Go to the hospital.

3Put some medicine on it.

4He hurt himself in PE.class.

5Run it under water.

Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】

 1.When these accidents happenwhat should you do?

2Listen and find the answers.

Teaching Aids 【教学工具】

 an English booka tape recorder and CAI

Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

Step 1 Preview and perception 【预习感知】

Ask the students to read the vocabulary and target language.


伤了某人的膝盖 ______  感到恶心 ______

鼻出血  ______



______ a bandage ______ it.


______ to the ______


Put ______ ______ on it.


He ______ ______ in PE.class.

Step 2 Consociation and exploration 【合作探究】

Let the students read the book by themselves in order to find out the answers.They can discuss the questions in groups or ask the teacher for help.When they finish the questionsask some students to check the answers.

Step 3 Leading in 【情景导入】

TJim has a fever.What should he do? Ask the students to talk about the advice.And ask others to practice the conversations.

There are some accidents in our life.When these accidents happenwhat should you do?

Ask the students to discuss the accidents and what they should do.

Step 4 Pretask 【准备任务】

Page 51a

1Look at the pictures.

2Talk about in pairs what they should do.

3Put the actions in order.

Step 5 Whiletask 【过程任务】

Page 51b&1c

1Look at 1b.

2Talk about the problems and the treatments.

3Listen to the tape.Check the problems you hear.

4Ask one or two students to check the answers.

5Look at 1c.

6Listen again.Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems.

7Ask the students to listen and repeat.

Step 6 Posttask 【后续任务】

 Page 51d

1Look at 1d.

2Roleplay a conversation between the nurse and the teacher like this

AWho came to your office today?

BFirsta boy came in.He hurt himself in PE.class.

AWhat happened?

3Ask the students to use the information in 1b and 1c to make similar conversations and practice in pairs.

Step 7 Consolidation practice 【巩固练习】

Look at the students' book of the 3rd exercise.

Step 8 Summary 【课堂小结】

In this class we listened to some tapes.It's important for us.We should listen after class.And master the phrases hurt one's kneefeel sickget an Xray

Step 9 Homework 【家庭作业】

1Review the phrases and sentences.

2Listen to the tapes twice after class.

Board Design 板书设计

Unit 1 What's the matter?

The third period Section B(1a1d)

1Key phrases

sickkneehurt one's kneefeel sickhave a nosebleed

2Key sentences

(1)Put a bandage on it.

(2)Go to the hospital.

(3)Put some medicine on it.

(4)He hurt himself in PE.class.


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