
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  第二课时 Section A(3a-4c)

       来源:网络  |  作者:张清凤 | 发布者:张清凤  | 时间:2020-02-28 20:34:30  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册


Teaching Key Points 【教学重点】

 The vocabulary

 passengertroubleherselfget offto one's surpriseagree toget into trouble

 Target language

 1.The driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.

2The bus driver stopped the bus without thinking twice.

3Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengersthe man was saved by the doctors in time.

Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】

 1.Use the target language above to talk about the event.

2The usage of get offto one's surpriseagree toget into trouble

Teaching Aids 【教学工具】

 an English booka tape recorder and CAI

Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

Step 1 Preview and perception 【预习感知】

Ask the students to read the vocabulary and target language.



To his ______they all ______ ______ go with him.


Many people don't want to ______ others because they don't want to ______ ______ ______


LookAn old man ______ ______ on the road.


He hurt ______

Step 2 Consociation and exploration 【合作探究】

Let the students read the book by themselves in order to find out the answers.They can discuss the questions in groups or ask the teacher for help.When they finish the questionsask some students to check the answers.Give the students 5—7 minutes.

Step 3 Leading in 【情景导入】

Ask some students to review the conversation they learned in last class.

T didn't go to school.What's the matter?

SsShe/He had a cold.


Step 4 Pretask 【准备任务】

Page 33a

Ask the students to read the passage and guess the meanings of the words and phrasespassengerherselfget offto one's surpriseagree toget into trouble

Step 5 Whiletask 【过程任务】

Page 33b

1Pay more attention to the passage in 3a.Make the students know the meaning of the passage.

2Make the students read again.And then finish 3b.

3Choose one or two students to check the answers.Then ask one student to write his or her answer on the blackboard.

4Ask all the students to check the answers.Play the recording and ask the students to listen and repeat.

Page 33c

Divide the students into some groups and discuss the questions in groups.And have one student in groups say his/her answer.

Step 6 Posttask 【后续任务】

1Page 4Grammar Focus

(1)Review the grammar box.Work in pairs.

One asks and the other answers.Then ask some pairs to act them out to the class.

(2)Practice reading the sentences in the chart.

2Page 44a

Ask the students to fill in the blanks in the conversations.If they don't know the answersthey may discuss them in pairs or ask the teacher for help.Then ask some students to check the answers.And practice the conversations in pairs.

3Page 44b

Ask the students to look at 4band circle the advice for these health problems.If they don't know the answersthey may discuss them in pairs or ask the teacher for help.Then ask some pairs to act them out to the class.

4Page 44c

Ask one student to mime a problemthe other students in groups guess the problem and give advice like this

SsWhat's the matter? Did you hurt yourself playing soccer?

S1NoI didn't.

SsDid you fall down?

S1YesI did.

S2You should


Step 7 Consolidation practice 【巩固练习】

Look at the students' book of the 2nd exercise.

Step 8 Summary 【课堂小结】

We have learned a passage in this class.In the passage there are some useful phrases.We should master get offto one's surpriseagree toget into trouble

Step 9 Homework 【家庭作业】

1Review the words and phrases in 3a.

2Retell the passage.

Board Design 板书设计

Unit 1 What's the matter?

The second period  Section A(3a4c)

1The vocabularypassengerherselfget offto one's surpriseagree to, get into trouble

2Target language

(1)The driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.

(2)The bus driver stopped the bus without thinking twice.

(3)Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengersthe man was saved by the doctors in time.


  • 马英明(发表于 2020/3/2 19:42:10)
