
  • 打印 【学习资料】|  人教版八年级下册同步音频UNIT 3 Section b1c

       来源:网络  |  作者:张清凤 | 发布者:张清凤  | 时间:2020-02-28 20:07:30  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册


Section B 1c

Listen to a conversation between Sandy and her mom. Check (√) the things in la that you hear.

Could I invite my friends to a party on Saturday, Mom?

Of course! That sounds like fun.

Yeah. Urn... could I borrow some money?

What for?

I need to buy some drinks and snacks. Could I go to the store?

Well, I'm going tomorrow, and I can buy some drinks and snacks for you.

Oh, good. Thanks, Mom.

You're welcome. Oh, could you clean your room?

I cleaned it last week.

You need to dean it again for your party.

OK. At the party, could I use your CD player?

Yes, if you're careful with it.

Don't worry, Mom!

Now, there are a few other things I want you to do before the party. Could you please move the big chairs to the bedroom and clean the living room?

Sure. Dave is coming early on Saturday, so he can help me.


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