
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  第一单元 假期你去哪里了?

       作者:吐村耐·麦麦提明 | 发布者:吐村耐·麦麦提明  | 时间:2020-02-24 17:14:58  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:上册


Unit 1  Where did you go on vacation?

Period 5  3a~Self check 2

I. Teaching Aims:

1.Knowledge aims:

key words and phrases: Tian’anmen Square, the Palace Museum ,a Beijing hutong. learn something important , Beijing duck

Key sentences: Did you dislike anything?

             What did you like best?

             How did you feel about the trip?

2. Ability aims: Ss talk about their vacations in the past using key sentences in this Unit.

             Ss improve their listening, speaking and writing skills.

3. Emotional aims: Ss exchange their feelings by talking about vacations and get to know more   about others.

II. Teaching important and difficult points

Ss revise and master the key sentences and phrases in this unit.

Ss improve their speaking, listening and writing skills.

. Teaching Aids: mufti-media, tape

. Teaching Procedure

Teacher’ s activities

Ss’ activities


Step 1. Revision and lead-in

Say: Jane experienced two kinds of different vacations. Can you   say where she went and what she did?

Ss read Jane’s diary   in a loud voice, list the places she went and the things she did.

To help Ss   consolidate the knowledge they have learned in the diaries


Step 2. Work on 4

Ask: Jane did many things when she was on vacation. How about   you? Imagine we’re all foreigners on vacation in China. We meet each other at   the airport on our way home. Talk about what we did on our vacation like   this:

Hi, Paul. I’m Anna.Did you go anywhere interesting? Where did   you go on vacation?

Did you do anything interesting?

What did you do?

Did you go with anyone?

Did everyone have a good time?

Did you buy anything special in the shopping center for anyone?

Say :Do you know the pronouns in the conversations?Please finish   Self check 1

Ss work in pairs to make conversations. They should try to use   pronouns in their conversations, then share their conversations in class.












Then Ss finish self check 1.

To help Ss   consolidate the usage of pronouns.

Step 3. Brainstorming

Say :Except the questions above, when we talk about our   vacations, we can ask more . Now let’s list questions as many as we can.

Ask :Can you ask any new question? let’s compare your questions   with the questions in 3b.

Ss list the   questions about vacations they have learned    as many as they can.

Ss read the   questions in 3b, find at the questions they missed.

To help Ss to   practice the sentence structure and consolidate the knowledge.

Step 4. Work on 3b.

Say :Let’s work in pairs, ask and answer these questions in   pairs .

Say :Let’s share your vacations.    The others listen carefully and take notes. Then give a report like   this. Sally went to . She went with . The weather .

Ss work in pairs,   ask and answer questions in pairs .


Ss act out. Some of   them give a report according to the information they hear.

Ss improve their speaking and listening skills .

To help Ss develop good listening habits.

Step 5. Work on 3a

Say: If we put the answers in 3b together, it is a diary. Here   is a diary in 3a. Please fill in the blanks.(Teach the names of places)

Ask :How to write a diary like this ?Now let’s revise how to   write a diary .

Say :When we write a diary about our vacation,we need to   introduce “where, what, how”.The word “how” includes our feelings, the   weather.

Ss learn the names   of places and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.



Ss read the diary   aloud and  then find out the structure   of it.

Ss get to understand   the structure .

To help Ss consolidate the structure of travel diary and get   ready for writing.

Step 6. Work on 3c

Say :Look at 3c .Let’s write a travel diary and share your   vacations.

Ss write a travel   diary like Jane’s.

Ss share some of the   diaries.

Ss improve their writing skills.

Step 7. Self check 2

Ask: When we write a travel diary. What tense do we use. Please   list past forms of irregular verbs in this unit or the irregular verbs you   know.

Ask:Can you finish self check 2?


Ss list past forms of irregular verbs in this unit or the verbs   they  know and read them aloud.


Ss finish self check   2 and learn important phrases in the article.

Ss master more past forms of irregular verbs.

Step 8. Homework

1. Read their own travel diaries again and find out mistakes.2.   Workbook 1 period 5



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