
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  第一单元 假期你去哪里了? 第四课时

       作者:吐村耐·麦麦提明 | 发布者:吐村耐·麦麦提明  | 时间:2020-02-24 17:14:13  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语


Unit 1  Where did you go on vacation?

Period 4  Section B 2a~2e

I. Teaching Aims:

1.Knowledge aims:

 Key words and phrases: activity, decide to do, try, feel like, Paragliding, bicycle ,building, trader,  wonder, difference ,top, wait for,umbrella, wet, because of , below, enough, hungry , as, hill,

 Key sentences: I felt like I was a bird.

             We saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago.

             I wonder what life was like here in the past.

             What a difference a day makes!

             Because of the bad weather. We couldn’t see anything below.

2. Ability aims: Ss learn to write a diary about their vacations.

             Ss improve their reading and writing skills.

3. Emotional aims: Ss get to understand different travel experience makes people have different feelings.

II. Teaching important and difficult points

1. Ss master and use key words, phrases and sentences correctly.

2. Ss improve their reading skills and writing skills.

3. Ss learn to write a complete diary about their vacation.

. Teaching Aids: mufti-media, tape

. Teaching Procedure

Teacher’ s activities

Ss’ activities


Step 1. Revision

Say :Can you say something about Lisa’s vacation?

Ss say something   about Lisa’s vacation according to “ where, what and how.”

1.To consolidate the sentence   structure.


Step 2. Presentation

Say: Lisa went to Hong Kong and went shopping. But there are so   many other wonderful places except it . Do you know these places?

Show Ss a picture of Malaysia, Ask:  Malaysia is a country near the sea.let’s   enjoy an ad about it . What do people usually do if they go there?

Say :Penang Hill, Georgetown ,Weld Quay are places in Malaysia.

      Penang Hill is a   hill in Malaysia.

Georgetown is a city in Malaysia and Weld Quay is an old place   in Georgetown.

What do people usually do if they go to these places.

Ask :Among these activities ,what activities do you find   enjoyable?

Ss learn something about different  places.



Ss look at the pictures .

 Ss answer the questions   and learn new phrases like: try Paragliding feel like ,go surfing / boating /   fishing. walk up to the top of the mountain,ride bicycles on the beach, see   old buildings along the street.




Ss discuss: What activities do they find enjoyable?

1.Ss learn some of the new words and phrases in the reading   material While answering the questions.It can help Ss read the article more   easily.

2.To help Ss get ready to read.

Step 3. Reading

Say: We find we do different activities in different places and   feel differently.If we write a diary about our vacation ,we should write them   down.

So if I want to write a diary entry about my vacation.What   should I write in it?

Say:Jane wrote two diary entries. Did she tell us about her   vacation in these three ways?Read the diary quickly and fill in blanks .(The   chart is on Bb.)

Say :Now you know something about Jane’s vacation.Let’s read in   detail .You can know more .





Ask: Did Jane have a good time on Monday?

How about on Tuesday? Read the second diary quickly and fill in   the blanks in two minutes.(The chart is on Bb.)

After checking the answers, tell Ss to read the two diaries   again after the tape. Then learn the important words and phrases in the   diaries.

Ss answer :where, what and how




Ss read the first diary quickly and fill in the blanks according   to the information in the diary.



Ss read the diary entry in detail.And while they’re reading,   they should find out what other things Jane told us in her diary. Then finish   the last four blanks.


Ss read the second diary quickly and fill in the blanks   according to the information in the diary.


Ss read the diaries in a loud voice. Try to memorize the   important phrases in it.


To make Ss understand   the structure of the article.






Ss use different   methods to read the article according to different reading purposes

Ss improve their   reading skills and abilities.












To  help Ss to practice the sentence structure   and consolidate the knowledge.

Step 4. Work on 2c 2d and   2e.

Say:Please try to retell the vacation according to two charts   they have finished. Then finish 2c and 2d.

Say: Compare two vacations, Jane didn’t have a great day on   Tuesday. So she went there with her father again.

Please read the diary in 2e and fill in blanks.

Ss retell the vacation according to two charts.


Ss finish 2c and 2d.




Ss finish 2e.


To help Ss to   practice the sentence structure and consolidate the knowledge.



Step 5. Summary

Ask :Can you write a diary like Jane’s? Let’s try it .

Ss read the diary in 2e again and find out the structure: How where what

Ss write a similar diary using the structure .

Read the diary after   class.

Ss improve their writing skills.

Step 6. Homework

1. Memorize important phrases and sentences in 2b.

2. Write a diary about their own vacations.

3. Workbook 2 Period 4

Bb design

Unit 1    Where did you go on vacation?

Period 4

when      where     how (the weather)      what               how(feelings)

______        Penang    ___________           decided to______

                                              tried _________  felt like   ____It was___

afternoon      Georgetown                        had _________   They   were________                                


                                            wonder_______    enjoy ______


              Penang Hill  started ______ a   little    wanted to _______

                                               waited ___ for ___

                       it was   raining______     got _______            _______

                                               couldn’t see_____below 

                                               only had ________        tasted   ______





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