
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  第一单元 假期你去哪里了? 第三课时

       来源:教辅书  |  作者:吐村耐·麦麦提明 | 发布者:吐村耐·麦麦提明  | 时间:2020-02-24 17:13:20  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:上册



Unit 1  Where did you go on vacation?

Period 3  Section B 1a~1e


I. Teaching Aims:

1.Knowledge aims:

  Key words and phrases:   Malaysia,  Malaysian, Georgetown, Word Quay,   Penang Hill,

  Key sentences: Where did she go on vacation?

               Did she do anything special?

               What did she do there?

               How was the food? How were the people?

2. Ability aims: Ss learn to discuss their vacations including the places, the food, the people, the weather and so on. Ss improve their listening and speaking skills.

3. Emotional aims: Ss share the vacations and know more about different places.

II. Teaching important and difficult points

Ss master and use key words and sentences correctly.

Ss improve their listening and speaking skills.

Ss learn to talk more about their vacations and exchange their feelings.

. Teaching Aids: mufti-media, tape

. Teaching Procedure

Teacher’ s activities

Ss’ activities


Step 1. Revision and lead - in

Ask : Where did Helen go on vacation?

What did she do there?

Where is Huangguoshu Waterfall?

Ss role play the   conversation in 2d

1.To help Ss to   consolidate the knowledge they have learned

2. To present a new lesson.


Step 2. Presentation

Show Ss some pictures of different places

Teach the names of these places.Imagine they have been to one of   these places.

Ask: Where did you go on vacation?

Did you go shopping? What (else) did you do?

How was the weather / the food?How were the people / the   stores/beaches?

Ss learn to say the   names of these places:Malaysia, Georgetown Weld Quay. Penang Hill,

Ss imagine what they   did  in one of the places and answer   the questions.

 Imagination can provide   Ss with more topics

Step 3. Work on 1e

Say : Suppose you went to one of the places. You can use the   conversation above as a model.

While some are acting, you should listen carefully and take   notes then say something about the vacation you hear.

List the description words the students use on the Bb.

Ss work in pairs to make conversations. They regard the   conversation above as a model.

Ss share their vacations. The others listen carefully and say   something about the conversations they hear like this : Tom went to , he took The weather was

1.To help Ss to   consolidate the knowledge they have learned and improve their listening and   speaking skills.

2.To   develop good listening habits.

Step 4. Work on 1a and 1b

Say: Just now, we used different words to describe our   vacations. Can you divide these words into two groups according two kinds of   symbols. 

How about the words in 1a?

Tell Ss that we can use these two kinds of description words to   describe our vacations.

Ss divide the words on Bb into two groups according two kinds of   Symbols .



Ss finish 1a and 1b.


To help students understand the usage and meanings of   description words.

Step 5. Listening

Say: We can use description words to describe our feelings about   vacation. So did Lisa. Listen to 1d. What description words did Lisa use to   describe her vacation.

Do you want to know more about Lisa’s vacation?


Ss listen to the   tape and  finish 1d.





Ss Listen again and   finish 1c.

To improve students’   listening skills.

Step 6. Pair work

Say: Read the conversation in 1c and 1d. (Teach “home cooking”)   . Work in pairs to practice the conversation.

Tell Ss listen carefully when others are acting  and give a report like this: Lisa went to   Hong Kong. She The food was .

Ss read the   conversation in 1c and 1d

Ss work in pairs to   ask and answer questions using: Where did What did she ? Did she ? How was? How were ? Then act out .

1.To improve students’   listening skills and speaking skills.

1. To help Ss to consolidate the sentence   structure.


Step 7. Homework

1. Read the conversation in 1b and 1c.

2. Make a conversation with their partner using the questions in   1e.

3. Workbook 1 Period 3.

Bb design

  Unit 1    Where did you go on vacation?

Period 3

Where did go?

               Went to Hong Kong   / Malaysia / Georgetown / Weld Quay Penang Hill/

               What did   do?

... took quite a few photos

               took a walk.

               bought something special.

               How was the /    were the ?

                It was .../They were...



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