
  • 打印 【教学策略】|  unit2单元备课计划

       作者:王树华 | 发布者:王树华  | 时间:2020-02-23 20:42:41  | 学段:初中一年级  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册



Unit 2   What time do you go to school?




In this unit, we mainly study how to use   when and what time to guide the expression of special questions learn the using of Adverbs of frequency . By discussing   the topic of "daily schedule", the unit has designed three main   types of learning tasks Task   1 Talk about your own habits and habits,   learn the expression of different time points Task2 Learn   to use when and what time to ask and express schedule Task3 To   collect information about the schedule of the community review what you have learned. Learning   through this unit   enable students to learn to   arrange their daily activities and   be able to understand and convey other people's daily living arrangements .




Unit 2

1.Know ledge Objective

1)Words and phrases:

updressedbrushtoothshowerusuallyfortyfiftyearlyjobworkstationo’clockfunnyexercise   besthalfpastquarterhomeworkwalklotlife

get   upget dressedradio station either…or…,lots   of

2) Sentences.

What time do you usually get   up? I usually get up at six a.m.

What time is it? It is six.

When does Scott go to work? He always goes to work at 11   o’clock.

2. Ability objective

Learn to use when and what time to ask   and express schedule; Learn adverbs of frequency; express the   correct time in English; Learn to talk about your daily life and daily habits .

3. Emotional objectives

Able to use the knowledge to make a reasonable arrangement of an   activity, Develop good   working habits and punctuality ; Learn to arrange time.

Difficult points and

Key points

Of unit 2

1.Key   points

1Expression   of time

2   Asking the time:

What time do you usually get   up?

 I usually get up at six a.m.

What time is it? It is six.

When does Scott go to work?

He always goes to work at 11 o’clock.

(3). The use of   frequency adverbs.

(4).  Enable students to master the vocabulary   and phrases in this unit .

 2.Difficult   points

(1). Special   questions guided by When and what time

  (2). The use of   frequency adverbs.

 (3).  Proper   use of third person singular .



Of unit 2

Six periods  

Period 1: Section A 1a----2c

Period 2: Section A 2d---- 3c

Period 3: Section B 1a---- 1e

Period 4: Section B 2a---- 2c

Period 5: Section B 3a--- Self check

Period 6:Review



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