
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  八年级下英语新目标第三单元教案

       作者:夏辉荣 | 发布者:夏辉荣  | 时间:2020-02-22 16:48:38  | 学段:初中二年级  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册



 ① A:What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?

    B:I was standing in front of the library when the UFO arrived.

 ② A:What was the boy doing when the UFO landed?    

B:He was sleeping late.

【能力目标】熟练 运用本课词汇 及句型谈论在过去某一时间发生的事情。.


重点】过去进行时  was / were + doing sth.

【难点】过去进行时时态的熟练运用,when 和while 的用法区别



Do the following exercise and check the answers by group leader.


4.在卧室__________ 5. 在厨房里____________   6.出去_______________

7.一个外星人__________ 8.buy(过去式)__________9.get(过去式)______      10.一次不寻常的经历______11. 起飞________12.kid(现在分词)_________

Step2 Grammar




3.标志:at that time, this time yesterday, all the evening, from 8:00 to 10:00yesterday, just then, at nine yesterday, when等表示明确有具体的时间状语。eg:

I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.

What was Tom doing at ten yesterday.

I was eating dinner when the phone rang.


(1)肯定句:主语+was/were+v-ing eg:

They were having a meeting that time.

(2)否定句:主语+was not(wasn’t)/were not(weren’t) +v-ing

上句改写为:They were having a meeting that time._____________________

(3)一般疑问句式:Was/Were +主语+v-ing?



Eg:Was she reading a book when the teacher came in?

Yes,she was.  / No, she wasn’t.


1.when是“当……时候”,相当于at that time,既可以表示某一时刻又可以表示某一段时间,所以when引导的时间状语从句动词既可以是延续性的,又可以是非延续性的。when引导的时间状语如果是一般过去时,主句一般用过去进行时。而while也意为“当……时候””,相当于during the time,表示某一段时间历里的情况,故其引导的时间状语从句中的动词必须是延续性的。eg:

While I was watching TV, my mother came back.

=When my mother came back, I was watching TV.


She was listening to music while I was playing computer games.


1)_____ the teacher came in, we were talking and laughing.

2)I got home______ my mother was cooking dinner.

3)They were dancing _____ we came to meet them.

4)_______the alien was visiting the museum, the boy called the police.

Step3 学习 3a部分  


1)一次不寻常的经历 __________   2)大约在十点左右                  

3) 跟随某人做某事______        4)它是多么的奇怪! _______              




1)When did the UFO land ? what was the writer doing ?

2) What places did the alien go ? what did they do ?

3) Did the alien buy any souvenirs in the shop ?

4) What did the writer do while the alien was in the museum ?



1.My sister was watching TV w_______ she was having supper.

2.My mother was cooking in the k_______ when I got home yesterday.

3.My friend b_________ me a book as a birthday present last week.

4.The plane l_______ safely at last.

5.I graduated from Shandong University this year. So I have no e_______in teaching English.


1.What an ________(amaze) sight!

2.I often see Mrs. Green________(water) flowers in her garden.

3.When they came into the room, Jack and Mike ________(read) books.

4.While I________(sing) an English song, he ________(come) in.

5.What______ you_______(do) at this time yesterday?

6.We ________(listen) to the radio at 7:00 yesterday evening.


1.We heard someome ______ in the next room.

A.sings   B.sang   C.to sing    D.singing

2.There are many trees _____ the classroom.

A.in front of   B.in the front of    C.in front    D.at the front

3.His mother wanted to know what he ______ at that time.

A.is doing    B.was doing    C.has done    D.will do

4.-I was doing my homework at eight o’clock last night.

-You are______. I saw you in the cinema.

A.hard-working    B.kidding    C.kiding    D.kidded

5.They were playing football         it rained.

 A.while     B.when       C.as         D.before

6.____we were eating dinner in the restaurant, the ower’s dog took my bag away quietly.

A.Because          B.While      C.If         D.Until





Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

Section B

教师寄语】Today must borrow nothing of tomorrow.今日事今日毕。



1) Key words:

scared, climb, jump, shout, rode, ran, anywhere, met, happen, accident, plane, heard, modern, kill, murder, binght, playground, bell, rang, told, close, silence, recent, destroy, terrorist, meaning, became, flight, earth, hero, flew

2)Key phrases:

jump down, take a photo , at the train station, run away , be crowded, think about, come in, look for, Beijing International Airport , at the doctor’s, for example, hear of /hear about ,  take place, World Trade Center, one of the most important events, in modern American history , as …as , walk home in silence , be destroyed by…, at that time , in space ,  a national hero ,  all over the world , be famous /become famous, for the first time

3)Key sentences:

While Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station, the dog got out of his box and ran away.

When Linda finally saw Davy, he was jumping and running with another dog.

People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history.

This was one of the most important events in modern American history.

2.能力目标:熟练运用when \ where 引导的时间状语从句句型。


【重点】1.while when 引导的时间状语从句   2.anywhere 的用法

【难点】 过去进行时的学习和运用与写作训练



预习导学与自测:自主完成activity 1.

1.爬树______2.跳下来__________ 3.惊恐的________ 4.火车站________  



情景导入:(1) I was reading the book.         The light was off.

(用连词while把两句话连接起来:While I was reading the book, the light was off.)

(2)I was cooking.           The door bell rang.

(用while把两句话连接起来:The door bell rang while I was cooking.)



1、be scared to do表示“不敢做某事”,是主观原因。

例如:He is scared to go out at night.

2、be scared of doing 表示“担心出现doing所出现的情况、结果”,doing 是客观上造成的。例如:He is scared of failing in this maths test.


1) While 表示“在……过程中”,强调在一段时间内,所以While引导的从句中的谓语动词必须为延续性动词

如:While was writing a letter ,the children were playing outside.

Mary 写信时孩子们正在外面玩。(此句中主句动词play为延续性动词,强调主句和从句的动作同时发生。)


如:I was walking along the road when I met a friend of mine.


  • 丛爽(发表于 2020/2/24 13:04:42)
