
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  三年级下lesson17

       作者:古丽斯娜·哈布地克里木 | 发布者:古丽斯娜·哈布地克里木  | 时间:2020-02-22 12:32:34  | 学段:小学  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册


Unit3 This is my father        Lesson17


Teaching aims:

After teaching,students will be able to:

  1. Knowledge and skills

  2. Able Ss to Listen,read and speak the new words:uncle,aunt,man,woman 。

    2) Able Ss to Listen,speak and read the dialogue Whos that man/woman? Hes/Shes my uncle/aunt.来指认家人,并且能灵活运用。

    2.Processes and methods


    2)学生通过问答,sing chant, show their family photo and talk about photo 小组活动等活动 乐于参与参与课堂、从而掌握本课内容。

    3.Emotion,attitude and values:


    教学重点:1)Listen,read and speak the new words: uncle,aunt,man,woman

    2)能运用本课句型Whos that man/woman? Hes/Shes my.( uncle/aunt).来指认家人。



    教学难点:1)灵活运用句型:Whos that man/woman? Hes/Shes my.( uncle/aunt).来指认家人。

    2)学生能正确区分指示代词 this,that,并能灵活运用。


    通过情景设置,Running Brother,学习句型Whos that man/woman? Hes/Shes通过图片,实物,学习指示单词句型并能灵活运用





    Step 1:Revision and Warming Up

    Activity 1: Geetings

    Good morning.

    Nice to meet you/Pleased to meet you.


    Activity 2:Lets say the family face.

    This is my grandfather(指左眉)

    This is my grandmother(指右眉)

    This is my father(指左眼)

    This is my mother(指右眼)

    This is my brother(指上嘴唇)

    This is my sister(指下嘴唇)

    This is my uncle(指左耳)

    This is my  aunt(指右耳)

    This is me(指鼻梁)

    【设计意图】通过say the family face.复习旧知,并活跃气氛。

    Step 2: Presentation

    Activity 1: Enjoy the story《Running,brother》根据故事图片提问:Whos that man?

    学生回答:That’s Lu Han. That’s Deng Chao. That’s Li Chen.

     Whos that woman?

    That’s Yang Ying.

    【设计意图】通过Running,brother》的故事进行free talk,不仅激发学生学习兴趣,还学习了本课新句型 Whos that man/ woman?的表达及有意识设置图片让学生学习了Thats/This is指示代词的表达。

    Activity 2: Learn new dialogue.Lets Ss read and Understand this dialogue.

    1.T:Look at this picture,who are they? Please Open your books and turn to page 34.Look and read it.Then answer the questions.

    Ss read it.

  3. Listen to the dialogue.

    T:Whos that boy?

    Ss:Hes Peter .

    Hes  Yangming.

    T:Look there, Whos that man/woman ?Please listen to the radio and learn to this dialogue.

    Ss listen it.Then answer these question freely.


    Activity 3: Teach new words:uncle  aunt man woman

    Teacher point and show pictures:

    Teacher:Whos that man?

    Hes Yangmings uncle.Read follow me. Uncle   uncle  Hes my uncle.

    Ss repeat.Use the same way to learn another words.

    Aunt aunt,shes my aunt.

    Man man he is man.

    Woman,woman,she is woman.


    Step 3:Practice

    Activity 1:1: Lets chant again.

    2. Repeat and read the dialogue.

    3.Act this dialogue.

    4.Game:Do puzzles


    Step 4:Production

    Activity 1:

    Let Ss show their family photo ,then ask and answer their uncle and aunt.



    1. Listen the dialogue three times.

    2. Recite the dialogue.背诵对话。 

    3. With the help of the sentence parttens, make a new dialogue .模仿类似情景进行问答对话。


    板书设计: Unit3 This is my father            


                 uncle           aunt   

            Who's that man ?      That's my uncle.

            Who's that woman?    That's my aunt.




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