
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  unit2-2

       作者:王树华 | 发布者:王树华  | 时间:2020-02-21 15:50:34  | 学段:初中一年级  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册





Unit 2 What time do you go to school?









Period2 Section A (2d—3c)





1. Students can understand and master the words and   phrases aboutradio station, funny, exercise, usually, often,   always, sometimes, never.



2. Students can use the target   language to ask their partner  what to   do at a certain time with the structure: What's the   time? It's----.What time do you usually ------?  I usually -----at---

3. Be able to talk about   the time with the structure: What's the time?       It's----.What time do you usually   ------?  I usually -----at---

4. Be able to use “What   time do you /does he/she get up?” to talk about other people’s daily lives   and routines.


5. Learn to budget your time well and value their time.



重点:Students can use The third person singular form of the   verbs to talk about people’s daily lives and routines

难点:Using the frequency   adverbs in the right way: always, usually, never, sometimes





一、 查学诊断

(T)1. Ask the students to try   to read the new words in this lesson according to the phonetics given by   themselves and underline the difficulties they meet.

 Give them a few minutes to deal with the   problems they have in their pronunciation in pairs or groups.

 (S/SS)1.Read the new words.

        2.Check the answers.


  eight thirty __________  eleven o’clock __________ 

funny time __________  at night __________

  from six o’clock to twelve o’clock   _________________

  usually               always              

  never                sometimes                



一、 示标导入

1.Students can understand and master the words and   phrases aboutradio station, funny, exercise,   usually, often, always, sometimes, never.

2. Students can use the target language to ask their   partner what to do at a certain time with    the structure:

What's the time? It's----.

What time do you usually ------?  I usually -----at---

3.Students can use The third person singular form of the   verbs to talk about people’s daily lives and routines.

4. Using the frequency adverbs in the right way: always,   usually, never, sometimes



Step 1.  Check their homework and Leading-in

An English Riddle

 T:It   has no feet, but it can walk with its hands. It has no mouth, but it can   speak to you. It calls Tick ,Tick, and Tick every day.

Ss: A clock

答案:a clockshow a picture   of clock


Step 2. Role play.

Present four tasks for   students:

Task 1:

T:Listen and fill in the   blanks.

Interviewer: Scott has an interesting   _____. He works at a __________. What time is your radio show?21cnjy.com

Scott: ____ twelve o’clock   at night __  six o’clock in the   morning.

Interviewer: _________ do   you usually get up?

Scott: ___ eight thirty at   night. Then I eat breakfast ______.【有:Interviewer:   That’s a funny time _______ breakfast!【出处:21Scott: Yeah.   _____ that, I usually exercise at about ten twenty.

Interviewer: ________ do   you go to work?

Scott: At eleven o’clock,   so I’m never late ______ work.21*cnjy*com

Task 2:

T: Read the conversation   and answer the following questions.

Q1. Where does Scott work?  

Q2. What time does he   usually get up?

Q3. Is he always late for   work?

Task 3:Ss work in groups

T: Read the conversation   in 2d. Fill in the chart.www.21-cn-jy.com

activitiestimeGet up Eat breakfast Exercise Go to work 

Task 4: Role-play the   conversation.

Radio show 

Let two girls and two boys   role-play the conversation.【来源:21·世纪【设计意图】让学生更好的掌握本部分内容.

Step 3. 3a

a)        Ask Ss to share their answers about 3a (the   answers can be different).

b)        b)小组合作辨析usually, always, sometimes never 的区别。

usually,   always, sometimes, never等词常用来表示动作的频率,但程度上有别,一般说来可按频率大小排列:

always(一直) usually(通常) sometimes(有时) never(从不)

Step 4. 3b

I always go to school at   9:00. I usually go shopping on weekends. I never get up early on Sunday. What   about you? Finish 3b and then report it.

Step 5. Interview (3c)

Interview three in your   group. Find out what time they do these activities. Then give a report to the   class.

E.g. Peter usually gets up   at 7:30. He exercises at …

设计意图: 这是本节课的升华,学生的能力得到提升。


I. 根据句意及所给汉语提示写出单词或短语。

  1.   I ________(通常) get up   at six in the morning.

2. He           (从不) eats ice-cream after dinner.

3. Mary            (经常) plays the piano in the afternoon.

4. Jim           (有时候) plays football with his friends.

II. 主语是第三人称单数时,动词要做相应变化。

1.   Does Jay Chou often _______ (sing) for people?

2.   I usually _________ (listen) to music on weekends.

3.   What time ______ (do) Scott usually get up?

4.   Do you __________ (dance) very well?

5.   The students usually _____ (take) a shower at 7:00 pm.

6. His mother ________ (not like) apples.



1).Students can understand and master the words and   phrases aboutradio station, funny, exercise, usually, often,   always, sometimes, never.

2). Students can use the target language to ask   their partner  what to do at a certain   time with the   structure: What's the time? It's----.What time do you usually ------?  I usually -----at---


1.   Recite the dialogue 2d.

2.Make a survey: ask your friends: What time   do you usually _________? (调查:询问你的朋友)


1.在早晨2.在晚上3. 在下午4.去睡觉5.做作业  



课题:Unit 2 What time do you go   to school?

Section A   (2d—3c)

Usually(80%) always(100%) sometimes(40%) never(0%)

What time does Scott usually get up?

He usually gets up at eight thirty.




  • 程瑶(发表于 2020/2/21 22:58:48)


    1. 王树华(发表于 2020/2/23 20:30:09)
