
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?

       作者:周洁兵 | 发布者:周洁兵  | 时间:2020-02-20 17:08:33  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册



Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?

Section A(1a--2c)


Listening &speaking

第 1  课时




1.Master and use the words and phrases 

guitar, chess,sing, swim,dance,draw,speak English,play the guitarEnglish club, swimming club, art club, music club, chess club,

2.To learn to ask abilities about people and express own ideas.

Can you…….? Yes, I can/ No, I can’t

What can you do ? I can……..

What club do you want to join?

3.By asking each other the ability of themselves or others, raises student's group consciousness.



The modal verb can certainly A negative sentence General questions and yes and no answer


Learn to ask each other of your own or another's special skill and ability and can express their wishes


Intuitive teaching situational teaching task-based teaching














教   学   设   计



Teacher’s activity Guide Students to finish the exercises . 

Students’ activity Finish the exercises.

Check 1a   What can these people do?

Match the activities with the people . let SS say out the answer one by one.



Teacher’s activity Show learning aims to the students.


English club, swimming club, art club, music club, chess club,


Can you…….? Yes, I can/ No, I can’t

What can you do ? I can……..

What club do you want to join?


Students’ activity  Students read the learning aims.



Step 1 Lead in

Teacher’s activity 1. Show two pictures about guitar and ask some questions

Students’activity 1.answer the teacher’s questions one by one.

T: What’s this?   S: It’s a guitar  

T:What does he do? S: He plays the guitar

T:Can you play the guitar? Help SS answer

S: Yes, I can, No, I can’t.

Teacher’s activity :2. Show some pictures and let students ask and answer;

Students’activity 2. Ask and answer in pairs

S1:Can you play…………? S2:Yes, I can/No ,I can’t


Step 2  Show yourself(1c)

Teacher’s activity :3. Show some pictures and let students say the sentences

Students’activity 3. Ask and answer 

 T:What can you do?  

S: I can………….

T:Can you………?

S:Yes, I can,  and  I can/ NO, I can’t, but I can...

Work in pairs

What can he/she do?

 He/she can………….

 Can he……..?Yes, he……


Step 3  Speaking  

Teacher’s activity :4. Teacher ask SS: Do you know the club? Show the pictures let students try to say these clubs and fill in the clubs. 

Students’activity 4. Students try to say these clubs and fill in the clubs. 


Step 4  Do listening 1b and 2a 

Teacher’s activity :5.Teacher ask students and lead them say the sentences. 

Students’activity 5. Say the sentences that they want to join the club they like.    

I can speak English.

I want to join the English club.

T: What club do you want to join?

S1:I want to join…..

T: Can you……….?

S1 :yes,  I can ,/No ,I can’t.

设计意图:通过图片使学生学习并会说自己喜欢的俱乐部,引出What club do you want to join?这个句型,引导学生表达自己的意愿。

Step 5  Listening and answering  (2b)

Teacher’s activity :6.Guide students to do the listening tasks.

Students’activity 6. Listen to the tape and finish the tasks.    

Listen to conversation s . Complete the sentences

Listen to conversation s again. Answer the questions.

First let students read the questions, then answer

1What club does Bob want to join at first?   S1:………

2.  Can Mary sing and dance?   S2:……….

3.  Can Bob play chess?    S3:……….

4.  What club does Bob and Mary want to join at last?  S4:…….

Step 6  Practice  (2c)

Teacher’s activity :7.Guide students to make conversations.

Students’activity 7. Look at 2c and make conversations in pairs.

A: What club does Lisa want to join?

B: She wants to join the …

A: Can she … ?

B: Yes, she can. / No, she can’t.



Teacher’s activity Guide students to finish the exercises.

Students’ activity  Finish the exercises.

1、 连词成句。

1. play, brother, the, your, guitar, can? 


2. play, you, the, can, guitar? 


3. guitar, sing, the, I, play, can, and. 


4. to, club, music, join, want, do, you, our?



1. A: ____ __you dance? B: Yes, I can. 

2. What club does she_____ to join ? 

3. We want to _____ the guitar club. 

4. A: What club ___ you want ______join? 

 B: We_____ to join the chess_____. 

 A: Can you_____ chess ?  

B: No , I ______. 

5. She can speak English but she ______ speak it very well.



Teacher’s activity Guide students to summarize what they have learned.

Students’ activity Summarize and recite.

(1)can 的用法口诀:不管主语怎么变,can在句中无变化,

要想变成否定句,can后面加“not”. 疑问句can提前。


Words:  guitar  chess  dance  sing  paint  

        speak  swim  join   can’t=can not

Phrases: play chess   play the guitar  swimming club   

speak English   join the music/art/chess/English club

Sentences:  What club do you want to join?

          I want to join the music club.

          Can you play chess? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t


1 背诵单词 guitar---write,朗读P1--- P2及grammar focus的句子



Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?

           Section A(1a---2c)


play chess            What club do you want to join?

play the guitar         I want to join……….

swimming club          Can you………….?

speak English           Yes, I can./ No, I cant.

join the music/art/

chess/English club


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