
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  Unit5 Revision 教学设计

       作者:于飞 | 发布者:于飞  | 时间:2020-02-18 15:34:16  | 学段:小学  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册


Unit5 Revision 教学设计


教学目标1 梳理复习的知识点:有关野餐的对话句型及相关单词,有关询问动物的句型及单词。2 通过听说读练复习巩固知识点相关内容。

教学重点:依据这些句型What would you like? Id likeCan I have some? Sure. Here you are. Whats that? What are these/ those? They are复习巩固与food & drinks, animals有关的词句。


教学方法Group work, mind map

教具准备PPTmind map, tape



1 Leading

1) Sing an English song: Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

2) Brain storm(设计意图:以词句、图片形式为本节课的复习做好前期准备,缓解紧张氛围,活跃气氛。)

2 Review

T(呈现PPT中野餐图)Look at the picture, how is the weather?(SsWhat are they doing? (Ss..) This weekend lets plan to go for a picnic. What to prepare? (Ss)


T write it on the blackboard.

1) Task1: On a picnic

a) T: Lets go together to look at Mimi and Mickys picnic. (设计意图:根据图片猜测一下可能要填的词,让学生有个大致印象。)

b) TLets listen and write.

c) T: Listen again.(设计意图:第一遍听音按pause键给学生机会写单词;第二遍完整地听一遍,学生自己核对一下。)

d) T: Let’s check up. Read it together.(设计意图:边读边呈现填空的词,完成之后,学生再齐读一遍语篇,从整体上感知词句。)

e) T: Please make a dialogue with me.

f) (ppt 呈现对话模式,小组内完成说话训练)T: Lets talk in English. Make the dialogue in groups.

g) Perform(T writes some on the blackboard) (设计意图;  先以老师个别学生启动对话模式,再以组内练习说话形式,最后呈现对话in pairs or in groups. 以说话形式复习词汇及主要句型,T在听Ss对话时,随时注意学生生成的句型,写在黑板上,也可以考虑让学生上前书写句子!)

2Apple Tree视频歌曲


3Task2: Animal show/ At  the farm

T: On the way to the picnic, perhaps well see many animals. Which animals do you know? (Ss..) Come on, lets finish reading.

(设计意图:继续在picnic 这根主线的延展下,引出下一个任务!)

a) Ss组内尝试初次阅读,了解大意。

b) 两个篇章各听一遍,按pause键填词。

c) PPT呈现核对,学生齐读篇章。

d) T: What can you find from the two passages? (Ss) (设计意图:在听、填、读之后,先让学生说说自己能从中发现什么规律或其他,再以PPT形式呈现语篇中重难点及易混淆内容,认真梳理!)

e) TLets solve the difficult points.(ppt) Finish your reading in groups.(设计意图:再次读篇章时,T要叮嘱学生make notes, 提醒Ss记下复习的重点。)

f) T: The two passages , their topic is (T&Ss说出,T板书animals)

4) Task3: Lets do it. (show the mind map)

T: So many words, sentences to memorize. We need a good way: Try to use mind  map.

(设计意图:先发现Tmind map , 再让学生动手用mind map 复习整理今天的内容,若时间允许,可以让学生展示说明自己的mind map.)

3 Conclusion

T: A trip to the picnic is over. Love nature. Enjoy the beauty of nature! At the same time, its everyones duty to love and protect the environment. We should do it.

(设计意图: 野餐之行结束了,在热爱大自然,欣赏大自然的美的同时,每个人也有爱护、保护环境的责任,发出倡议!)

4 Homework

mind map 更好地复习。

5 Feedback

Boarding design                                          










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