
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  I'd like some noodles

       作者:张茹 | 发布者:张茹  | 时间:2020-02-12 21:55:37  | 学段:初中  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册


Unit10 I’d like some noodles


本节课选自人教版新目标七年级下Unit10 Section A. 本单元主要围绕订餐 这一主题展开各种教学活动的。学生必须学会订餐并提供个人信息。本单元首先介绍一些食物的名词,例如:面条、牛肉、鸡肉、羊肉、洋白菜、洋葱、土豆和西红柿。主要语言功能项目是talk about food根据《英语课程标准》,本单元教材内容和七年级学生的学习水平,我对教材进行了合理的整合,将SectionA 1a.1b.1c  设计成一个课时的教学内容,其目的是通过本课的学习使学生学会常见的食物类名词,学习What kind of…would you like? What size…would ......like?的句型,并能初步运用,为后面进一步学习打下基础。本节课主要学习:食物类名词,what kind of…?和what size …?的用法,听力训练。






1.Let the students master the words about food: noodle,mutton,beef,cabbage,potato

2.Let the students understand the nouns and uncountable nouns.

3.Let the students understand and master the structure : would like


1.Learn to be polite ordering

2.To keep healthy, we shouldn’t eat too much meat. We  should eat more vegetables and fruits and more sports, too. 


Key points: Remember the phrases:beef noodles,beef and tomato noodles, chicken and cabbage noodles, mutton and carrot noodles.

Master “would like”:“What kind of noodles would you like?” and What size would you like?” Difficult points Guide them to learn how to order food.

Difficult points:Guide them to learn how to order food.






1Warming-up (课堂热身和复习)

T:Do you like games? Before this class,let’s play a game,first.

There are four groups in this class,now I need two students in each group.Say out the words about food, fruit, vegetables, drink words. You can not repeat,

Like thisapple, apple, apples(countable nouns)

                   tomato,tomato,tomatoes (countable nouns)

                   water,water,water.  (uncountable nouns)


(1) 自主学习,预习检测(Studying independently and preview test

T:The vegetables,the food and  the meat three big family members are lost. Can you help them go home?

Tomato,  dumplings, chicken, beef cabbage, mutton, potato, noodles,   carrot

To give students one minute to finish. Report like this:

 Vegetables are...

(2)目标展示:(Learing aims.)

1.To learn the words about food: noodle,mutton,beef,cabbage,potato

2.To understand the countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

3.To understand and master the structure : What kind of…would you like? I’d like...

What size…would ......like?   I’d like..


Show some pictures about noodles .

T:What’s the man doing?

S:He is eating  noodles.

T: Wha t do you think of the noodles?

S: They are delicious.

T:What do we need to cook noodles?

S: (Ask some students try to answer.) vegetables, food and meat

(4) Presentation

T: Look,here are some pictures,do you know them?

SsYes, I do.

T:  What is this?


(Teach the new words  tomatoes, potatoes [pə'teɪtəʊ]  ,carrots ,onions  cabbage [ˈkæbɪdʒ] ,potato, mutton,beef in this way.To emphasize countable nouns and uncountable nouns in this part.)



1. T:I’d like some apples. What kind of fruit would you like?

S: I’d like some oranges.

2.Group work.

There are four groups in this class. Now,Let’s make a conversation in groups.

A: What kind of fruit/vegetables/drink /meat would you like?   

 B: I’d like some ...

设计意图:通过这种方式既能让学生抓住重点也 能提高学生的学习兴趣,让学生轻松学英语。


1.Show a picture of  Noodle House/Restaurant.

T:Can you guess where it is?

Ss: Restaurant.

T: We also can call it noodles house.Look!there are some specials in the noodles house.Do you want to eat some delisious noodles? Now let’s go to the noodles house.

There are three specials in the noodles house. What kind of noodles is Special 1?

Ask several students to answer the kinds of noodles in this part and then pair work.

A:What kind of noodles would you like?

B:I’d like some…noodles.

2. Show three pictures of bowl, ask students to answer about  the size.Then students pair work.

 A: What size bowl of noodles would you  like?

 B: I’d like…a small bowl of noodles.

a medium bowl of noodles.

a large bowl of noodles.

设计意图:通过pair work让学生感受合作学习的趣味性,同时也达到和上一环节跟踪式练习找住重点突破难点的效果.

3. Group work.

1.Teacher gives the modle first.

A:What kind of noodles would you like?   

B:I’d like              and            noodles.

A: What size bowl of noodles would you  like?

B: I’d like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles

4..巩固练习 Report:

   I’d like some beef and potato noodles.

   I’d like a small bowl of noodles.


让学生先看图片比较人物不同,同时复习listening skills,再放听力。核对完答案出示听力材料分角色读。

(6).自主学习Listening 1b

 (Before listening, teacher can give the key words or some useful information to Ss.)

T: In the following conversation, one man is ordering some food. Now, let’s listen to the tape, find out the right noodles the person orders.

1.Listen and check (√) the noodles that the person orders.

_√___ Special 1     

____ Special 2    

____ Special 3

2. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Waitress: ____________________

Boy: I’m not sure yet. Are there ___  vegetables in the beef _______?

Waitress: Yes, ________ some tomatoes.

 Boy: OK, I _________ the beef noodles, please.


If you are a boss in Anoodles house Please recommend the special dishes in your shop. (至少三个) Boss(老板)Customer(顾客)

B (老板):  Can I help you?

C:  Yes, please. I’d like some noodles.

B: We have three specials in our  Noodle House.

   Special 1 is________Special 2 is______Special 3 is ______.

   What kind of noodles would you like?

C:  I’d like ________

B:  What size bowl of noodles would you like?

C:  I’d like a_______bowl of noodles


Show a picture of two boys,They are eating junk food and tell students: To keep healthy, we shouldn’t eat too much meat. We  should eat more vegetables and fruits and more sports, too.


1.How many_________(tomato) are there?

2.I’d like beef and__________(potato)noodles. 

3.There______(be) some mutton on the table. 

4. There are many _______(特色菜) in the restaurant.

5. —What  ____   (愿意) you like?

    —I____ _____(想要) some______(羊肉).

6. There _____(be) some beef and potatoes in the bowl.

7. 牛肉面里有菜吗?

____ ____ _____ _______ in the beef noodles.

8. 我想点点儿羊肉。





Group A. 复习本节单词和短语。

Group B. 写一段在饭店点餐的小对话。


Unit10 I’d like some noodles


beef and tomato          A:What kind of noodles would you like?   

mutton and potato      B:I’d like      and    noodles.

chicken and cabbage   A:What size bowl of noodles would you like?

B: I’d like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles


small /medium/large                                



本节课在教授新单词时我对可数名词的复数和不可数名词让学生通过观察总结变化。主题探究,创设情境环节,为了更好地引出特色菜这个话题,我设计了面馆开张这个情境,介绍我的面馆中三大特色菜,从而开始引出特色菜的学习。在这个部分,让学生自己去发现特色菜名称的规律,从而自己会搭配出特色菜,再加入句型,就组成了一个小对话。这个对话既练习了单词,又将新知识串联起来,为后面的课本练习打下了很好的基础,学生完成起来也是得心应手。2听力训练设计改掉传统模式,首先明确听力任务,再让学生听两遍完成练习,第一遍完成1b,第二遍修改听力材料,挖空填词。之后我加入了情感教育的环节设计,希望学生不吃垃圾食品,告诉他们如何保持健康,这是个和生活紧密相关的主题。拓展延伸情境表演上,我设计为假如您是一家面馆的老板,请向顾客推荐属于您店里的 特色菜(至少三个) 我设计的是面馆老板展示特色面环节,我是客人,学生依克山是面馆老板,与学生进行一个有关点餐的对话,学生的表现很积极,一个班52名学生一起分享学生自己做的蒸面,课堂氛围又掀起了一个高潮。课上完后,我和学生们交流了一下,他们都反映这样上课很有趣,很有效。我体会到教师在课堂教学中的情绪很具有感染力,如果我们在授课中情感投入的越多,我们所收获的学生听课的情感投入就越多,教师亲切的笑容、期待的目光、鼓励的话语都对学生有很大的影响,让学生不光学到了知识,道德情操也得到了提高。我们要为学生提供可以交流的平台,让学生独立思考,教师仅仅是教学的组织者和引导者,学生才是课堂的主任。一节生动的课堂能带给学生的真的可以很多很多。这是我对本节课最大的感悟。



  • 李宏英(发表于 2020/3/16 15:53:09)


  • 李新瑞(发表于 2020/3/14 15:17:13)


  • 许亚萍(发表于 2020/3/4 0:29:11)


  • 邓正辉(发表于 2020/3/2 14:50:11)

    本节课选自人教版新目标七年级下Unit10 Section A. 本单元主要围绕订餐 这一主题展开各种教学活动的。学生必须学会订餐并提供个人信息。本单元首先介绍一些食物的名词,例如:面条、牛肉、鸡肉、羊肉、洋白菜、洋葱、土豆和西红柿。主要语言功能项目是talk about food根据《英语课程标准》,本单元教材内容和七年级学生的学习水平,我对教材进行了合理的整合,将SectionA 1a.1b.1c  设计成一个课时的教学内容,其目的是通过本课的学习使学生学会常见的食物类名词,学习What kind of…would you like? What size…would ......like?的句型,并能初步运用,为后面进一步学习打下基础。本节课主要学习:食物类名词,what kind of…?和what size …?的用法,听力训练。分析较具体,把握了重难点,把几种句型分析总结出来,学生容易分辨掌握。

  • 邓丽(发表于 2020/2/20 20:04:01)




  • 周洁兵(发表于 2020/2/20 16:46:51)


  • 候辉(发表于 2020/2/20 14:00:32)


  • 杜芃(发表于 2020/2/13 18:39:32)
