
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  精通版四年级下册英语教学设计

       作者:刘晨欢 | 发布者:刘晨欢  | 时间:2020-02-08 17:33:20  | 学段:小学四年级  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册


     Unit 5 What will you do this weekend?单元目标


1. 能听、说、认读下列三会单词:picnic, sausage , lunch ,pork, beef, paint, game, shop, go shopping, go swimming, fish, go fishing, 能听、说、读、写下列四会单词:bread, cake, rice, chicken, draw, sing, dance, watch, read, play, swim ,do, go,并能在真实的语境中灵活运用。

2. 能理解、说出以下句子。灵活运用下列语句在真实的语境中进行交流:

 What would you like? I’d like some bread and a sausage. Would you like some pork? Thank you./No, thanks. I’ll go to my music lesson this Sunday. I’ll sing and dance.

 3. 能够在真实语境中表达个人意愿以及陈述将要做的事情。

4. 能够初步形成做事情有计划的意识。

5. 能够初步形成善于与同伴交流与合作学习的意识。














Unit 5 What will you do this weekend?

 Lesson 25


Date: Mar.10th 2020                    上课日期:

School: No.15 Primary School  of Yining     Teacher: Liu Chenhuan

Class: C1-4G4

Teaching contents:1. Just speak  2. Just read and write  3. Let’s paste



1. 知识目标:

(1)能够听、说、认读本单元有关单词:picnic, sausage,

2)、能够熟练表达以下句型: What would you like? I’d like…

(3)能够听、说、读、写本单元有关单词: bread, cake.


2. 技能目标:

1)、能够在情景中理解、会说What would you like? I’d like…










1. 重点:四会单词bread, cake,  及三会单词picnic, sausage,理解及运用。

2. 难点:What would you like? I’d like…句型的理解运用。





(一)热身\复习(Warm up\ revision


歌曲 Days of the week并跟唱.

【设计意图】用歌曲的形式使学生尽快进入学习英语的状态,并复习有关星期的词语:Sunday, Monday, Satuday.

 ()新课呈现 Presentation


1. The new sentences.

Shall we have a picnic?

T: What do you usually do on weekends?

S: I  usually….引出去公园野炊。

  T: Shall we have a picnic?

S: Why not? Let’s go.

2.Introduce these words:

bread , juice , park ,chocolate, sausage, picnic

3. Teacher lead in the new sentences and practice.


1.Teacher:Now, look, we have so many things for our picnic.

2. T: What would you like?

Let the students answer the question:

I ’d like….


4.Have a chant:

Ask and answer one by one.

would you like

would you like

What would you like?

Chocolates  Chocolates

I’d like chocolates.

would you like

would you like

What would you like?


I’d like….



5. group work:

They can make a new dialogs like these

A: How’s the weather like today? B: It’s sunny\fine today.

A: Shall we have a picnic?

B: Yes, why not?

A: What would you like?

B: I’d like … . What about you?

A: I ’ d like … .

A: Would you like….?

B: Yes, please. \No, thanks.


1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.


2.Act it out



1.Read the text. (At least five times.)

2.Listen to the Just speak.


3.Review the words.


         Unit 5 What will you do this weekend  Lesson 25

What would you like?

I’d like some bread and a sausage.

picnic   sausage 


















Unit 5 Welcome to my new home.

 Lesson 26


Date: Mar.10th 2020                    上课日期:

School: No.15 Primary School  of Yining     Teacher: Liu Chenhuan

Class: C1-4G4

Teaching contents: 1. Just speak  2. Just read and write  3.Let’s chant



1. 知识目标:

(1)能够听、说、认读本单元有关单词:lunch, pork, beef

 (2)能够熟练表达以下句型: Would you like some pork?

Thank you! No, thanks.

(3)能够听、说、读、写本单元有关单词:rice, chicken

2. 技能目标:

1)、能够在情景中理解、会说Would you like some pork?

Thank you! No, thanks.句型.并能够在真实的语言环境中初步运用。正确发音新词新句.                                









重点:四会单词rice, chicken及三会单词lunch, pork, beef


难点:Would you like some pork? Thank you! No, thanks. 句型的理解运用。





(一)热身\复习(Warm up\ revision


1.     Greeting.

2.     Let’s say the chant about lesson 21

3.     Free talk:

What day is today?

Today is….

 What day is the next day?

The next day is…

What day is the next day?

 We can also say

“What day is tomorrow?”



 ()新课呈现 Presentation


Elicit new sentences and phrase.

I ’ ll have….

I ’ ll go to…..

1.     Ask and answer:

A: What day is tomorrow?

B: Tomorrow is Saturday.

I ’ ll have a music class.

What about you ?

Teacher help students say the sentences:

---I ’ll have….

---I ’ll go to…..

Then try to make new sentences.



Talk about the hobbies, then lead in the new sentences to teach

1.What are you interested in? 

 I am interested in…

2.Are you interested in..?  Yes, I am\No, I’m not..

3.let’s interview

What do you do in music class?

S1: We sing and dance.

T: Are you interested in singing?

S1:Yes, I am.

S2:No, I’m not.. 引导同学说出自己感兴趣的如:

  I’m interested in dancing.\I like dancing.

T:What do you do in art class?



Are you interested in ……?

 S1:Yes, I am.

S2:No, I’m not. I like ….

Talk about our hobbies:

T:“Hello, boys and girls.

   What are you interested in?”

S1: I’m interested in singing,

What about you?

S2: I’m interested in painting.

S3: I’m interested in playing…..

Practice the sentences one by one.

4.Play and act

Teacher show the word card and let someone act, other students guess :

“Are you interested in  singing\painting\playing computer\dancing……

S1:Yes, I am.

S2:No, I’m not.




Activity book Lesson26

1.Listen,circle and say   

2.Look,read and write



         Unit 5 What will you do this weekend?

 Lesson 26

Would you like some pork?

Thank you / No, thanks.


Unit 5 What will you do this weekend?

 Lesson 27


Date: Mar.10th 2020                    上课日期:

School: No.15 Primary School  of Yining     Teacher: Liu Chenhuan

Class: C1-4G4

Teaching contents: 1. Just speak  2. Just read and write  3. Let’s play



1. 知识目标:

(1)能够听、说、认读本单元有关单词:dance, draw, paint,

 (2)能够熟练表达句型: I’ll go to my music lesson this Sunday.

I’ll sing and dance.

(3)能够听、说、读、写本单元有关单词:draw, sing, dance

2. 技能目标:

1)、能够在情景中理解、会说I’ll go to my music lesson this Sunday. I’ll sing and dance.句型,并能够在真实的语言环境中初步运用。正确发音新词新句.                                









1. 重点:四会单词draw, sing, dance, 及三会单词dance, draw, paint理解及运用。

2. 难点:I’ll…句型的理解运用。





(一)热身\复习(Warm up\ revision

1.     Let’s chant:

 I like singing, singing, singing.


I like dancing, dancing, dancing.


 I like drawing, drawing, drawing.


 I like painting, painting, painting.


I like swimming, swimming, swimming.(做游泳动作)(此处拓展)

2. Have talk:

A:What day is tomorrow?

B: Tomorrow is Saturday.

I ’ ll have a music class.

What about you ?

A:I’ll go…

I’ll have…


二备1、用句型What do you do in an English class?这个句型来引出今天的词组

()新课呈现 Presentation

Elicit the new sentences.

I’m interested in….and I  enjoy…..

1.     Ask and answer:

T: Do you like drawing?

S: Yes,we do./No,we don’t.

T: I’m interested in singing.What about you?

S: I’m interested in…(讲解此句型)

I enjoy…


2. Make sentences:

I’m interested in…

I enjoy…(用此句型复习26课的单词)

1.     Introduce these words:

Reading dancing jogging exercising

Teacher show pictures about reading and say :“I’m interested in reading.” Then teacher do actions about reading.(此环节可以让学生替换单词操练I’m interested in…句型

Let’s chant.

reading. reading.

Do you like reading.

I enjoy reading.

I’m interested in reading.



Teacher lead in the new sentences and practice.

教师展示dancing jogging exercising watching TV单词卡片。

Then teacher do actions about dancing jogging exercising watching TV.Then use the same way to teach: dancing jogging exercising

Let the students make sentences.(这里引导学生说出自己感兴趣的)

I’m interested in ….




Listen to the tape.

Read the Just speak.

Copy the four skills words 6 times.



         Unit 5 What will you this weekend? 

Lesson 27

sing    dance

draw    paint

I’ll go to my music lesson this Sunday?

I’ll sing and dance.









Unit 5 What will you do this weekend?

 Lesson 28


Date: Mar.10th 2020                    上课日期:

School: No.15 Primary School  of Yining     Teacher: Liu Chenhuan

Class: C1-4G4

Teaching contents: 1. Just speak  2. Just read and write  3. Let’s play



1. 知识目标:

(1)能够听、说、认读本单元有关词组: read a book, watch TV, play  computer games

 (2)能够熟练表达句型: I’ll read a new storybook this Saturday.

                      How about you?

             I’ll play computer games at home.

(3)能够听、说、读、写本单元有关单词: watch, read, play

2. 技能目标:

1)、能够在情景中理解、会说I’ll read a new storybook this Saturday. How about you?  I’ll play computer games at home.句型,并能够在真实的语言环境中初步运用。正确发音新词新句.                                









1. 重点:四会单词watch, read, play理解及运用。

2. 难点:I’ll…句型的理解运用。





(一)            热身\复习(Warm up\ revision


1.Let’s chant:

 Reading. reading.

Do you like reading?

I enjoy reading.

What are you interested in?

I’m interested in reading.

Dancing, dancing.

Do you like dancing?

I enjoy dancing.

I’m interested in dancing.

What are you interested in?

I’m interested in dancing.



2. Have talk:

A: What are you interested in?

B: I’m interested  in ….

How about you?

A: I’m interested in ….A:I’ll go…


 ()新课呈现 Presentation

1. Elicit the new words.

Swimming rollerskating

skate boarding.

2. Ask and answer:

T:Hello,everyone.I’m interested in singing and swimming.How about you?(做游泳动作引出新单词)

S: I’m interested in…

Then teacher show the new words and say: I’m interested in swimming/roller skating/skate boarding.



3.Make sentences and one by one.

Eg:I’m interested in…(用本课单词)

4.Introduce these words:

Teacher show pictures about swimming and say

T: It’s hot(此处可替换) today. I’ll go swimming ?Are you interested?


T:Are you good at swimming?

S:Yes,I am./No, I m not.(教授此句型)

5.Let’s chant.

roller skating roller skating.

Are you good at roller skating?

Yes, I am, Yes, I am.

/No ,I’m not. No ,I’m not.(此环节让学生自编chant)




1.T:Hello.How’s the weather today?(炎热的动作,引导孩子说hot)

S:It’s hot today.I’ll go swimming.Are you interested?

T:Yes,I’ll go with you.Are you good at swimming?

S: Yes,I am./No,I m not.

T:I like swimming.and I’m good at it.Do you like skating?

S:Yes,I like roller skating.

S:I like skateboarding.

T:We both like skating.(用此句型造句)


2.Ask and answer.

Talk about our hobbies(教师先找几个学生示范一遍)

T:“Are you good at swimming?

S1: Yes ,I am./No, I’m not.

What about you?

S2: I like swimming and I’m good at it. Are you good at…?

S3: Yes ,I am./No, I’m not.

What about you ?

Practice the sentences one by one.

3.group work:

 A:Hello,everyone.How’s the weather today?

B:It’s hot today.I’ll go swimming.Are you interested?

A:Yes,I’ll go with you.Are you good at swimming?

B: Yes,I am./No,I’m not.How about you?

A:I like swimming and I’m good at it.

B:Do you like skating?

A:Yes,I like roller skating.

B:I like skateboarding.

A:We both like skating.

4.Play the tape.

1.Just listen.

2.Listen and repeat



Listen to the tape.

Read the Just speak.

Copy the four skills words 6 times.



         Unit 5 What will you this weekend?

 Lesson 28

watch   read   play

I’ll read a new storybook this Saturday.

                      How about you?

I’ll play computer games at home.















Unit 5 What will you do this weekend?

 Lesson 29


Date: Mar.10th 2020                    上课日期:

School: No.15 Primary School  of Yining     Teacher: Liu Chenhuan

Class: C1-4G4

Teaching contents: 1. Just speak  2. Just read and write  3. Let’s play



1. 知识目标:

(1)能够听、说、认读本单元有关词组: go swimming , go shopping,

go fishing

(2)能够熟练表达句型:  What will you do this Sunday?

     I’ll go shopping.

(3)能够听、说、读、写本单元有关单词: swim , go , do

2. 技能目标:

1)、能够在情景中理解、会说What will you do this Sunday ? I’ll go shopping. 句型,并能够在真实的语言环境中初步运用。正确发音新词新句.                                









1. 重点:四会单词swim , go , do理解及运用。

2. 难点:I’ll…句型的理解运用。





(二)            热身\复习(Warm up\ revision

1.Let’s chant:

Swimming, swimming.

Do you like swimming?

I enjoy swimming.

What are you interested in?

I’m interested in swimming.

Skateboarding, skateboarding.

Do you like skateboarding?

I enjoy skateboarding.

I’m interested in skateboarding.

What are you interested in?

I’m interested in skateboarding


2. Ask and answer:

A: What are you interested in?

B: I’m interested in ….

How about you?




 ()新课呈现 Presentation

1. Elicit the new phrases .

 go swimming , go shopping,

go fishing


2. Ask and answer:

T: Hello, everyone. I’m interested in shopping. How about you?(做购物动作引出新单词)

S: I’m interested in…

Then teacher show the PPT and say: I’m interested in shopping.


3.Make sentences and one by one.

E.g.: I’m interested in…


4. Elicit the new sentences:

Teacher show the PPT and say

T: It’s hot(此处可替换) today. Shall we go shopping this morning?

S: Ok.

T: What would you like to buy?

S: I want to buy…….(教授此句型)


shopping shopping.

I enjoy shopping.

What would you like to buy?

I want to buy…….(此环节让学生自编chant)



T:Hello.How’s the weather today?(炎热的动作,引导孩子说hot)

S: It’s nice today.

T: Shall we go shopping this morning?

S: Ok.

T: What would you like to buy?

S: I want to buy ……

T: Anything else?




1. Pair work:

A: Hello, everyone .How’s the weather today?

B: It’s hot today. Shall we go shopping this morning? Are you interested?

A: Yes, I’ll go with you. What would you like to buy?

B: I want to buy……

A: Anything else?

B: I also want a Teddy Bear.

A: Oh, so many things.


2.Ask and answer.

T:Hello.How’s the weather today?(炎热的动作,引导孩子说hot)

S: It’s nice today.

T: Shall we go shopping this morning?

S: Ok.

T: What would you like to buy?

S: I want to buy ……

T: Anything else?

3. Practise:

Practice the sentences one by one.

I’m interested…

I enjoy…

4. listen to the tape.

a. Just listen.

b. Listen and repeat



Listen to the tape.

Read the Just speak.

Copy the four skills words 6 times.



         Unit 5 What will you this weekend? 

Lesson 29

swim  do   go

What will you do this Sunday?

I’ll go shopping.














Unit 5 What will you do this weekend?

 Lesson 30


Date: Mar.10th 2020                    上课日期:

School: No.15 Primary School  of Yining     Teacher: Liu Chenhuan

Class: C1-4G4

Teaching contents: 1. Just speak  2. Just read and write  3. Let’s play





3.通过Fun story中的小故事,复习本单元的目标语言,达到操练巩固的目的。


1.通过Let’s check听力练习,检测学生对本单元核心语言的理解掌握。

2.通过Language Focus环节检测本单元重点词汇与句型的掌握与运用。







1.教学重点:Fun story中的小故事朗读与表演。


三.教法.学法1.情景教学法 2.多媒体教学法3.互动合作学习法 1.对话表演法 2.小组合作学习法

四.教具:Fun story的相关课件及听力材料



(一)热身\复习(Warm up\ revision


2. Review contents of lesson 25 to 30.


()新课呈现 Presentation

1. Revision

Ask and answer:

A: What will you do this weekend?

B: I’ll…

A: Would you like to have a picnic?

B:Yes, I’d like...


2. Fun story

a.Let’s read.

b.Watch the video of this lesson and find out the answers  below.

T: What will they do tomorrow?

  What kind of food can you see?


3.Watch the video again.

This time let’s read the dialogue.

Pay more attention to the key points:

What will you do this weekend?


Would you like to have a picnic?

Yes, I’d like...




1.         Listen to the tape and number the pictures of part2.

Check the answers together.

 Then repeat the content after the tape.


2.         Give the class two minutes to read the content of part3 in groups. They should check their learning according this.

Then they should make their own dialogues by choosing one of these topics .

Invite some pairs to show their work.


. 家庭作业(Homework

 1.Finish the work of their exercise books.

 2.Learn all the key points of this unit by heart and prepare for the exam.



.板书设计 Blackboard design

Lesson 30


           What will you do this weekend?


Would you like to have a picnic?

Yes, I’d like...




  • 丁洁春(发表于 2020/2/27 14:09:16)
