
  • 打印 【教学设计】|  精通版四年级英语下册教案

       作者:刘晨欢 | 发布者:刘晨欢  | 时间:2020-02-08 17:32:02  | 学段:小学四年级  | 学科:英语 | 上下册:下册


Unit4 There are seven days in a week.


1、能够正确地听、说、认读词语:weekend, park, theme parks

听、说、读、写词语:Sunday , Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, today, day, weekend;并在真实情景、现实生活中初步运用这些词语,进行日常交流活动。


How many days are there in a week? There are seven.

When do you have PE lessons? We have PE lessons on Monday .

What day is today? It’s Wednesday.

What do you usually do on weekends? We usually go to the theme park.并在真实情景、现实生活中初步运用这些语言。








Unit4 There are seven days in a week.

Lesson 19

Date: Mar.10th 2020                    上课日期:

School: No.15 Primary School  of Yining     Teacher: Liu Chenhuan

Class: C1-4G4

Teaching contents:  Just talk   Just read and write











We shouldn’t waste time. Let’s work harder form today.





三.教法:1.情景教学法 2.多媒体教学法3.互动合作学习法。

学法:1.对话表演法 2.小组合作学习法

四.教具:Just talk环节的卡片及课件。



(一)热身\复习(Warm up\ revision


T: Hello ,everyone.

S: Hello ,miss….!

2 .Give me a quick answer, please.(请快速给出答案。)

T: Give me a quick answer, please.


T:How many students are there in your class?

Then ask the students do this, but they should say :“give me a quick answer, please.at first.

How many boys are there in your class?

How many girls are there in your class?

How many lessons do you have today? 。。。。。。

【设计意图】让学生们在快速的问答中理解give me a quick answer, please.的含义,并在反复的练习中熟练运用。


()新课呈现 Presentation

1.Show the picture of the week to the class.

T: How many days are there in a week?

Then follow the teacher to count the days.

Ss: one ,two ,three ,four ,five ,six ,seven , seven days.

There are seven days in a week.

Write them on the Bb: day, week .

Let them ask each other ,then make a competition to check whether they master the target language.

2.The teacher point to the first student in group A and introduce:×××is the first(show the wordfirst and teach it )

T:What about group B\C\D.?S: ×××is the first



3.Let’s students watch the picture of the week. Then ask: What’s the first day of the week? Ss: It’s Sunday.

Guide in the new word: Sunday and learn it together.


1.Let’s chant.

How many days \are there in a week?

There are seven days\ in a week.

What’s the first \day of the week?

 It’s Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday.

【设计意图】chant 的节奏感强,学生读起来朗朗上口,反复练习后学生掌握的效果也比较好。

2.Learn the seven days of the week.(可以给同学们播放星期天为一周第一天的短片,让学生了解英语使用国家啊的文化)

T: Show seven new words. Sunday , Monday ...

其中板书:Sunday. Sun. students follow the teacher to read the new words. Write the new word

 3.Let’s listen.

First students should listen carefully.

Then read it after the tape for several times.

Do the exercise .

Praise the winners.

4.Give them a few minutes to make their own dialogue, then act it out. the other students can do some assessments


. 家庭作业(Homework

 1.Read the dialogue after the class

 2.Write the four- skill words and the key sentences.




.板书设计 Blackboard design

Lesson 19


          day      week           Sunday   SUN


            How many days are there in a week?  

            There are seven days in a week.




























Unit4 There are seven days in a week.

Lesson 20

Date: Mar.10th 2020                    上课日期:

School: No.15 Primary School  of Yining     Teacher: Liu Chenhuan

Class: C1-4G4

Teaching contents:  Just talk   Just read and write



1.要求学生能够听、说、认读Monday ,Tuesdaysports .

2.能够听、说、读、写Monday ,Tuesday并能在四线格规范书写;

3.学习Do you like sports?  Yes ,I do.

When do you have PE lessons?

We have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday.









Do more exercise to keep health .




三.教法:1.情景教学法  2.文本再构教学法3.听力练习法

学法  1。角色扮演学习法  2.探究合作学习法

四.教具:Just talk环节的卡片,课件及本课视频资料。



(一)热身\复习(Warm up\ revision


T: Good morning ,class.

3.Sing the chant of last lesson together.



1.Ask and answer:

T: Show the cards of the week, Get the students to read the name of the days from Sunday to Saturday .

T: What day is today?

S:It’s ….(学生按实际情况回答问题,如果是Monday or Tuesday ,教师可在情景中教学单词。)

T(Show a time table )Today we have PE lesson , This is our new PE teacher Mr Wu.

S:Welcome to my school.

Mr Wu: How many PE lessons do you have in a week?

S:We have two.

Mr Wu: (呈现sports含有运动的图片,) Do you like sports?

S:Yes ,I do .I like it best.




2.Let’s say.

T: (Show a time table )When do you have PE lessons ?

Help the student to say: We have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday


4.Let’s chant

When do you have\ PE lessons ?

We have PE lessons \on Monday.

When do you have\ art lessons ?

We have art lessons \on Tuesday.

When do you have\ maths lessons ?

We have maths lessons \on Monday.




1. Let’s listen.

Get the students listen to the tape ,ask them to repeat it one by one  ,then show the text to check.

2.Let’s watch the short movie of this lesson.

Read the dialogue after it for twice.

3.Let’s act.

Give them a few minutes to practise their own dialogue, ask several of them to act it out

Praise the good actors.


5.Do some exercise

Praise the winners .

七.作业布置 Homework

 1.Read the dialogue after the class and try to learn it

     by heart.

 2.Write the four- skill words and the key sentences.

八.板书设计(Blackboard design

Lesson 20


          Monday   Mon.         Tuesday   Tue.


Do you like sports? Yes ,I do.

When do you have PE lessons?

We have English lessons on Mon.














Unit4 There are seven days in a week.

Lesson 21

Date: Mar.10th 2020                    上课日期:

School: No.15 Primary School  of Yining     Teacher: Liu Chenhuan

Class: C1-4G4

Teaching contents: 1. Just speak  2. Just read and write  3.Let’s chant



1)、要求学生能够听、说、认读Thursday ,Wednesday today三词;



3)、继续学习How many English lessons do you have in a week?

   When do you have English?

  及新句型:What day is today?  It’s Wednesday.









Everyone should cherish time and enjoy the time.  .





三.教法:1.情景教学法  2.文本再构教学法3.听力练习法

四.教具:Just talk环节的卡片,课件及本课视频资料。



(一)热身\复习(Warm up\ revision


T: Good morning ,class.

T: How are you?

2.Sing the chant of last lesson together.



()新课呈现 Presentation

1.Ask and answer:

  T: Hello, B. What time is it?

  Ss: It’s 8 o’clock.

T: It’s time for English class.

   What day is today?

Help the class to understand and answer: It’s “Monday”.

Write the sentences down and learn them together.


2.Let’s play.

Play the turn table and ask: What day is today?

Students answer it and then practice it themselves.

Guide in the new words about week and learn them in many ways.



3.A teacher will come to our school. Can you guess who he is?

Show the short movie about this lesson.

T:This is Mr .Black.

Guide in the new sentence: Mr Black will come to our school.

T:We should say: Welcome to our school/class.

   Students could practice it with the PPT.


4.Show the timetable and ask:

T:How many English lessons do you have in a week?

Ss:We have four.

T:When do you have English lessons?

Ss:We have English lessons on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.



1. Show the timetable. Let students work in groups to ask and answer.

Eg: :How many……lessons do you have in a week?

Ss:We have…….

T:When do you have……lessons?

Ss:We have …… on…….

Give them several minutes to prepare and check their work .


2.Let’s watch the short movie of this lesson.

  Read the dialogue after it for twice.


3.Let’s act.

  Students try to act as a dubbing speicalist.

  Praise the good actors.


4.Group work

Students work in groups to act.

Miss White is coming to our school. Let’s show her around our school and introduce our study .

First the teacher should act with one of the class.

Then they practice in groups.



   1.Read the dialogue after the class and try to learn it

     by heart.

 2.Write the four- skill words and the key sentences.



.板书设计(Blackboard design

Lesson 21


Wednesday   Wed          Thursday   Thur

What day is today?    It’s Wednesday.

When do you have English lessons?

We have English lessons on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

























Unit4 There are seven days in a week.

Lesson 22

Date: Mar.10th 2020                    上课日期:

School: No.15 Primary School  of Yining     Teacher: Liu Chenhuan

Class: C1-4G4

Teaching contents: 1. Just speak  2. Just read and write  3.Let’s chant





1)、要求学生能够听、说、认读Friday ,Saturday 两个生词,并能在四线格中规范书写;

2)、学生继续学习How many days are there in a week?

从而引出重点句型:There are seven days in a week.

 They’re Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.理解本课句型,并进行口语交际。



2)、学唱歌曲《Days of the Week》。













三.教法:1.情景教学法  2.任务型教学法  3.歌谣教学法

四.教具:教学卡片  课件



(一)热身\复习(Warm up\ revision


T: Good morning,class. /Nice to meet you.

2.Sing an English song together.“Days of the



()新课呈现 Presentation

1.Show a calendar to the class and ask:

  T: What day is today?  Answer the questions together.

What day is the next day ? The next day is …

What day is the first day ? Sunday is the first day.

What day is the last day?  Saturday is the last day.

Explain the words: nextfirstlast and help the class to answer.

Guide in the new word: Saturday

Write it on the Bb and let students make sentences with it.


2. T: How many days are there in a week?

   Ss:There are seven days in a week.

T:What are they?

Ss:They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Learn the new word and write it.



1.         Let’s chant.

How many days are there in a week?

There are seven days in a week.

What are they?


They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.


2.         Play a chain game.

Studends speak out the names of week one by one.

Praise the winner.


3.         Let’s look at the book.  Listen and repeat.

 Then read in the groups.  Show the group works.


4. Fill in the blanks

   1Miss Lee: What day is today ?

    Student: Today is Tuesday.

    Miss Lee: How many lessons do you have today ?

    Student: We have six lessons today.

    Miss Lee: Do you have a PE class today ?

    Student: Yes, we do.

    Miss Lee: Do you have an English class today?

    Student: No, we don’t.

   2Mimi: How many days are there in a week ?

Lily: There are seven days in a week.

    Mimi: How many Chinese lessons do you have?

    Lily: We have two Chinese classes.

    Mimi: When do you have English classes  ?

Lily: We have English classes on Monday and Thursday.


3Read the dialogues in different roles.



 1.Practice the chant after class and sing it to your parents.

 2.Write the four- skill words and the key sentences for four times.


.板书设计(Blackboard design


Lesson 22

There are seven days in a week.

            What are they?

         They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.








Unit 4 There are seven days in a week

Lesson 23

Date: Mar.10th 2020                    上课日期:

School: No.15 Primary School  of Yining     Teacher: Liu Chenhuan

Class: C1-4G4

Teaching contents:  Just talk   Just read and write



1.要求学生能够听、说、认读weekend , parktheme park三词;


3.学习新句型:What do you usually do on weekend? 

及回答:I usually go to the theme park on Saturday.

I usually go to see my grandpa and grandma on Sunday.

I usually have music lessons on Saturday.






Do something meaningful on the weekend and save time.




三.教法.学法:1.情景教学法  2.文本再构教学法3.游戏教学法4.角色扮演学习法  5.探究合作学习法

四.教具:Just talk环节的卡片,课件及本课视频资料。



(一)热身\复习(Warm up\ revision


T: Good morning ,class.

T: How are you?

2. Sing an English song :“Put on a happy face”.



()新课呈现 Presentation

1. Let’s  play a guessing game.

T: Invite one of the students come to the front of the class. He sees the phrases and does actions. Then others should guess the phrases.

  Play football/fly a kite/go to the park/have music lesson

Review the old phrases and guide in the new ones.

Write down the new phrases and let students make sentences

with them.

【设计意图】通过guessing game复习所学过的词组,并引出新知识。


2.T:  Do you play football ?

 When do you play football?

Do you play football on Sunday ?

What do you usually do on weekends ?

Show the questions and help the class understand the meaning of these question.

Then let students try to answer them.

Guide in the new words: usually, weekends

Eg:I play football on Wednesday.

I usually have music lessons.

Show the pictures of this lesson to the class to help them answer the fourth question.


3. Let’s play a chain game.

First learn the new phrases about activity together.

Then say these phrases one by one.

At last make sentence with these phrases.



1.Let’s watch the short movie of this lesson.

Read the dialogue after it for twice.

【设计意图】通过对short movie的跟读,让学生掌握正确的语音语调。

2.Let’s act.

  Students try to act the dialogue in front of the class.

  Praise the good actors.


3.Group work

Students work in groups to finish the work of the survey.


go to the park

watch   TV

go   shopping


Then work in groups to make their own dialogues with these information.

Check their work together.


. 家庭作业(Homework

   1.Write the key words and the phrases for four times.

2.Make a survey in your home: What do you usually do on weekends ?


.板书设计 Blackboard design

Lesson 23


What do you usually do on weekends ?    ( week   today)

I usually go to the theme park on Saturday. (通常)

I usually go to see my grandpa and grandma on Sunday.

I usually have music lessons on Saturday.








Unit4 There are seven days in a week.

Lesson 24

Date: Mar.10th 2020                    上课日期:

School: No.15 Primary School  of Yining     Teacher: Liu Chenhuan

Class: C1-4G4

Teaching contents:  Just talk   Just read and write





3.通过Fun story中的小故事,复习本单元的目标语言,达到操练巩固的目的。


1.通过Let’s check听力练习,检测学生对本单元核心语言的理解掌握。

2.通过Language Focus环节检测本单元重点词汇与句型的掌握与运用。





We shouldn’t waste time. Let’s work harder form today.


1.教学重点:Fun story中的小故事朗读与表演。


三.教法.学法1.情景教学法 2.多媒体教学法3.互动合作学习法 1.对话表演法 2.小组合作学习法

四.教具:Fun story的相关课件及听力材料



(一)热身\复习(Warm up\ revision


Step 1.Greeting

T: Good morning,everyone.

T: Nice to see you again!

2 .Revision

Let’s chant.  How many days are there in a week?


()新课呈现 Presentation

1. Ask and answer:

 T:How many lessons do you have a week?

Ss: We have……

T:What day is it today?

Ss: It’s ……./Today is ……

T: How many lessons do you have today? What are they?

Ss: We have……/They are……


2.Watch the video of this lesson and find out the answers  below.

T: What day is it today?

When do they have music lessons?

Who is naughty?

 Check the answers together.


3.Watch the video again.

This time let’s mimic the dialogue.

Pay more attention to the key points:

Today is Monday.---- It’s Wednesday now.

When do you have music lessons?

 We have music lessons on Wednesday and Friday.

  Students work in groups and act their story.



1.         Listen to the tape and number the pictures of part2.

Check the answers together.

 Then repeat the content after the tape.


2.         Give the class two minutes to read the content of part3 in groups. They should check their learning according this.

Then they should make their own dialogues by choosing one of these topics .

Invite some pairs to show their work.


3.Ask students to choose the answers

(  )  How do you do?                  I’m eleven.

(  )  How are you?                    We have six.

(  ) How old are you?                 It’s cloudy.

(  ) How’s the weather?              How do you do? 

(  ).How many lessons do you have?      I’m fine.


. 家庭作业(Homework

 1.Finish the work of their exercise books.

 2.Learn all the key points of this unit by heart and prepare for the exam.



.板书设计 Blackboard design

Lesson 24


           When do you have music lessons?

           We have music lessons on Wednesday and Friday.

You naught monkey! Don’t go with us.




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